Weird Sensations... not sure if it's heart related or not!

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Well-known member
Aug 11, 2005
Omaha, Nebraska
Hi all!

I haven't been in here in a while, other than to come and read from time to time! My 1 year valversary for my new mitral valve is tomorrow so that's exciting!

Anyway... the last few months I've had some off and on weird sensations... kinda dizzy feelings at times, but more like a vibration in my head. It's not constant or overly frequent at all (maybe every other week) - but I did feel it yesterday on my drive home and also last weekend at one point. I just don't know if it's heart related or neurology related or what.

Before and after surgery both I've had "weak" symptoms where my limbs feel rubbery, and we never figured out what was going on with those - I did see a neurologist before this last surgery and they didn't think anything was wrong on their end.

My bp has also been fluctuating and I'm getting an ambulatory bp machine to wear for 24 hours starting this afternoon - should be interesting what that one finds. (we thought the dizzy spells could be a fluctuation in bp)

Don't you just hate bizarre symptoms that you can't get to the bottom of? Just curious if anyone else has had anything similar and if you ever got any answers.

I think you should definitely call your doctor about this. It isn't normal to be feeling vibrations in your head or neck and maybe you should get your carotids and jugular veins checked out. Also dizziness should be checked out, heart rhythm-wise and for all of the other things that can cause this. Don't let your doctor fluff it off. Insist on answers.
Thanks guys - also, I did do 60 days of an event recorder and of course nothing occurred during that time - go figure, right?? :) I'll let my nurse know about the vibrating sensations (tingling, vibrating - they're really hard to explain and come and go so quickly) - so far I'd just told them about the one dizzy spell I'd had while driving. I'm also interested in what this bp test will show if anything... I can't wait to have it taken every 30 minutes for 24 hours, either... ha!! :)
Your probably going to turn out like me. They won't be able to find a darn thing wrong and this will go on to driving you insane.
Idiopathic... is that what they call us? :) I've felt that way ever since I started having the weak feelings... a few weeks ago I even had the weak feeling where both my left arm and leg went weak... I did NOT like that one at all. Makes me think tia. When I took my bp it was really high, but I think that monitor may be on crack also. Maybe not - when I was in the Dr's office it was reading higher as well so maybe that's just the next road I get to take. Boo :( I'll update with what this test finds this next day.
Kerri, I've had those weakness sensations and other weird head feelings and all of my cardios and neurologist chalk it up to "complicated" migraines. Of course, I couldn't have "simple" migraines, like everything else, they have to be "complicated"! Hopefully, that's all that is going on with you. I definitely would check in with both your cardio and neurologist at this point.


I am new and am waiting for my AVR on Aug 9 Several weeks ago I felt like my heart was beating fast and could actually feel my head vibrating or buzzing when it happened. It happend on and off thru the night. Very weird. I am pretty new to all this stuff, but I never had my head vibrate or buzz before. I went to my doctor and they ended up putting me in the hospital for 4 days with a heart cath while there. They put me on Digoxin and I haven't had the strange beating or vibrating since then. So you are the only person with a vibrating head! LOL I hope it is nothing serious in your case.

I hope they find out what is bothering you. I will watch for you future posts. Pat
I've had those kind of weird/vague/passing symptoms, esp dizziness and it s hard to tell when to take them to the med folks and when to just continue self-monitoring them. The bp monitor sounds like a good idea. Where I am it is extremely hot and humid, and I tend not to drink water just to say I've had 6-8 bottles a day. But I think I need to b/c dehydration may be my problem. Hope you discover the cause of your problem soon.
Kerri -

When you measured your BP while having the Left Arm/Leg symptoms,
did you check Both Arms? If not, you may want to do that 'next time'.

'AL C'
LOL Kim everything about me is complicated... nothing can go easy, I tell ya :) Al I did try to take my bp on both arms when it did happen and it errored on one and read really high on the other. So not sure if it really WAS high or what. The ambulatory bp monitor is a good time... I'm was happy to hear that at least from 10pm-6am it goes to 1 reading per hour vs every half hour - so at least I'll be able to get some sleep - I highly doubt I can sleep through this!

Will definitely keep you all posted! :)
I had constant dizziness, head buzzing sensation, weak limbs, palpitations, racing heart- I ended up being diagnosed with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) a few months after my surgery. I am feeling better a year and a half after my mitral valve surgery, but still have some issues. Glad to see they are working you up for blood pressure issues, make sure they get a good set of orthostatic vital signs: BP and heart rate measurements when laying down, then sitting, then standing. Everything looked normal on me until I stood up.
Two words I dread hearing “that’s new"

I am not sure about the vibrations, but I have had about 4 episodes of a vertigo type dizziness. I was able to take BP and HR during two of them and everything was perfect. I am stumped also.
So I thought I'd share... the past couple of days I've had the light headedness almost nonstop.. which has never happened before, They've always just come and go up until now. It all started with a spell of an irregular heartbeat (skipping) which almost took my breath away, and I've had various skipped beats since then, including tonight. I'm "okay" if I sit down, but when I'm up and moving around I Just have a light headed/sensation in my head. I did call my Dr but haven't heard back. I miss my nurse! She's on vacation this week of all weeks. She's so good about getting back to me when I have things going on, and getting my info to the dr - and we easily communicate via email. But I'm sure the nurse covering for her is overloaded. This isn't something I like to sit on and just wait to see if they'll call back, but I guess I don't have much of a choice either. Boo...

Ok I feel better now - just wanted to share and see what you guys all thought of this. It never sticks around this long - at most it's less than a minute. And like I told the nurse - it's not debilitating - I can do things, drive, walk around, etc... but I constantly feel it and it's weird. The worst I probably felt was earlier today when I was leaning over to pick up a laptop and pack everything up from a work presentation I helped with. I did take my bp and it's in the normal range. On a side note I just bought a wrist bp monitor and it's super cool! :)

Thanks for listening!! :)
Hmm... I think I lied about being okay when I sit down... I think it's just worse when I'm standing... I'd just like for it to go away!
Kerri, if all this started with rhythm issues and you are still having them, I'd almost have to say to make a trip to the ER. I know that's not what you want to do, but since you didn't hear back from your Dr. and it isn't subsiding, I'd rather be safe than sorry if I were you.
