Weight training and Pecs

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Well-known member
Sep 9, 2007
Huntington, NY
I have started a program of three day high intensity interval training for cardio and three days of weight training (2 days upper body, one day lower body, then switching it to 2 days lower and 1 day upper the following week). I am almost two years post surgery and I continue to have some weakness in my upper body, and when I do push ups or use moderate weights, I sometimes feel pulling and/or tightening along the middle of my chest where there must be some wiring from the OHS. I am using commom sense along with determination to build strength and lose some recently gained weight. Does anyone else feel the pulling or odd sensations post workout? They are not painful.. they just feel like stretching or something like that.
allan, I am 22 years old, and 18 years post op from my last surgery and I have a hard time doing chest workouts, I usually end up with chest wall pain if I over do it, or do it the wrong way, especially around my chest tube scars, in my oppinion its probably normal in people who have had OHS (I have had 2, and I have 4 chest tube scars)

hope this helps
Hey Allan,

My report is probably premature as I'm only at the 12 week point. I've been using LIGHT weights for my pecs. Pushups still hurt but not like anything damaging. I feel the pulling sensation upon stretching and after lifting for a few hours to the remainder of the day. I suspect there is so much soft tissue damage around the sternum that we may have some degree of pain or discomfort always. However, my approach will continue to be very gradual increasing of weights. Always doing thorough warm-ups and a greater emphasis on post-lifting easy stretching. My theory is the more we exercise the area, the more the improved circulation, strength and flexibility will reduce discomfort and minimize injuries.
Yeah. I'm 17 years out and I get those twinges sometimes after an upper body workout. Maybe the surgeons tie a couple tendons in a knot just to keep reminding you you're not superman. That's facetious, but it would probably be a good idea. The technology exists so they could even embed a strain gage and a microchip to say "Easy there sparky. What do you think, you're normal or something?" because, you know, I keep thinking I am.
I'm four years out from surgery and still feel odd things happening in my sternum area from time to time. I've spent a few years doing pec flys with no problem, then one day when I was vacuuming I felt a snap. Now pec flys feel strange to do. Not painful, just odd. Same thing happened once when I was doing a yoga plank and pushups. Eventually everything went back to feeling normal again. The only thing I've found that I can never do again is archery. Too painful.
... when I do push ups or use moderate weights, I sometimes feel pulling and/or tightening along the middle of my chest where there must be some wiring from the OHS.

I feel pulling there when I just lay down with my arms out! (Which is why I make sure to do that every day.) I don't feel it when I pull or push with my arms, probably because all my pulling and pushing is basically in front of my body.

That area tends to just generally stay sore, even if nothing else hurts.
Thanks for your replies! It helped me to know that what I was experiencing was typical.
Enjoy the rest of the week! :)
Typical?? Hey we're special! I don't get much discomfort, but I feel the skin over my scar stretching when I do flys and pecs with more than about 15 pound dumbells. I haven't run into any issues, but it is an odd feeling around my sternum. . .
Hey, Allan! :) I got back to light weights and pushups (never had upper body strength either) and what I notice is that when I do NOT keep up with workouts due to hospitalization or illness I get so stiff, and that when I am sore across the sternum, locking my fingers behind my back and bending down slowly and raising those locked hands up into the air (there is certainly some yoga name for this, I'm clueless, duh) really relieves that sort of "pressure ache" that I get. The pushups actually relieve it, too, but I am doing moderated ones on raised surfaces (workout bench, park bench, edge of my clothes washer, etc). My post-op pain did such a weird "radiating out" through my shoulders and clavicles, I couldn't tolerate it much.

But I'm doing light weights again and loving the sculpt-y aspect of having the flab gone off my upper arms. The weight I put on not being able to move really got me down. Doesn't it feel good to MOVE again!? I am always asked around our little 'burg, "Haven't seen you running lately [it's jogging, not running!]" and I tell whoever it is that they didn't get up early enough, lol!

Keep up your workouts and just keep everything stretched out. I really like that extension behind my back for easing the sternum. Hope it might help you, too. :)
Thanks to all for your supportive replies! I have been successful in my workouts this past month and my chest and shoulders have become stronger. I can even hold a heavy pot or frying pan in my left hand again (that's how weak my chest muscles were). I am doing push ups( sometimes modified) and am starting to bench press with moderate weight. Overall,there is progress accross my upper body. Also, Fran, the stretch is important and works. To anyone reading this, please know that recovery and strength is different for everyone ( because health histories vary from person to person), but you can gain it back with some courage, centeredness, a fitness plan, and positive thinking!