Weight Loss After Surgery

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Well-known member
Sep 6, 2010
I'm wondering how many out there experienced weight loss after surgery. I am almost six weeks post-op and I've lost 18 lbs. since surgery. I have never been overweight. I weighed 162 lbs prior to surgery and now 144 lbs. It seems like most of the loss is coming from muscle mass loss. I know most of it is probably because of low appetite. How long did it take for you to regain your weight?
Before surgery, I weighed 145. After my surgery I lost 10 lbs. I am now 16 months post op and I weigh 160. :mad:

My mouth is a non stop eating machine so my weight keeps going up so right now I'm part of the Throwdown club now. :D

I am about 8 weeks post-op. I weighed 161 prior to surgery, and now I weigh 139. My body did consume every bit of protein that it could to survive and mend. My doctor has said to be sure that I have a high protein diet as I recover. I am even considering taking some of those protein drinks.

Weight Loss

Weight Loss

Weight loss after OHS seems to be pretty common. I lost a bunch. None of my clothes fit after surgery; everything was too big.

After my surgery, I did offer weight loss advice to a group of teachers who were trying to lose weight. Some how, none of them seemed to think OHS was an option they wanted to pursue to lose weight.

In my case, I would love to lose some weight as a result of the surgery.
When asked about losing weight to get ready for the surgery, my surgeon and cardio both said don't worry about it. I think they were worrying I would crash diet, which is bad for your organs.

I've lost 10 lbs SLOWLY over the last 6 months, just because it is good for your heart and I needed to anyway. Can't hurt, right?

The cardiologist predicted I would probably lose about 40 lbs after surgery due to loss of appetite and then the added exercise I'll eventually be doing vs infrequent exercise I do today. I'm looking forward to that part. I'm going to do my best to keep it off post surgery.

I have heard of some folks that gained due to a more sedentary lifestyle during recovery and water retention.
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What is wrong with me? I gained lots of weight the year or so before surgery and have gained about 6 pounds since and can't get it off no matter what I do. I only lost my appetite for a couple of weeks after surgery . . . now it's "better" than ever! I'll gladly trade with those of you who need to find some of that lost weight!
I'll add more on the men losing weight side... I lost more than 10 pounds in the first week alone, and I was lean with very little body fat to begin with. By end of week 2, I was down about 15 pounds and felt/looked way too thin. I was eating and trying to keep the weight on, but it just didn't want to stick, for whatever reason. In weeks 3 and 4 I started to turn it around. Now about 3 months out, I'm only a couple pounds under my starting point, and I've definitely lost muscle in my upper body.
Another man story. I lost 7kg (what is that about 15 pounds?) in the first 3 weeks. Gained it all back over the next year. I sincerely hope some of it is muscle from the cardio rehab and subsequent supervised training programme!
My surgery was at the end of July in 2009. I weighed 195 before surgery, a few weeks after surgery I weighed 184. The other day when I weighed myself at the gym I weighed 195. So it took just over a year to put the weight back on.
A loss for the women here.....even years later, my weight is down, I take Meto, and would need some weight please !!

I am more than happy to volunteer away a few...ahem...pounds. I am still trying to lose baby weight. Is not going to tell you that baby will be TWENTY tomorrow. :biggrin2:
Hmmmmmm, maybe Superbob is showing his feminine side. Hoped that weight loss would be a side benefit of surgery -- not so; as much of a struggle as ever. That's why SB has stuck with the Throwdown, fighting the never-ending battle against excess weight (and for truth, justice, and the American way)... :D:p
I was 155 prior to surgery which was mostly fluid retention. I am now at 131. I don't feel like I've lost muscle but I've lost the puffiness and also some fat due to eating healthier. On the low sodium diet its impossible to eat a decent meal out and since I eat at home more I'm eating less garbage.
I am experiencing quite a bit of weight loss right now myself, and I am 2 full weeks post-op. Now, I am bigger, was active, guy, I went in the hospital on Nov 8th, I was right at 300 and when I weighed for the home nurse yesterday, I was 278. They don't want me lose more then about 5lbs every few days. A LOT of my issues is that nothing tastes right, and it is difficult just to eat.