Wedding number three!

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Well-known member
Jun 7, 2005
I live in Denver NC
We're off to Augusta tomorrow for the wedding of our oldest son. Of course, he's only thirteen minutes older than his brother, but for me during a natural childbirth, that was the longest thirteen minutes of my life!:eek: :D And Matt never lets Ben forget that he's the oldest. After Matt gets married on Saturday evening, that will mean all of our chicks are married. Ben was married the end of May and Stephanie has been married for a little over six years. With having two weddings this close together, I'm looking forward to hibernating for a couple of weeks! Of course, I should have expected close weddings when dealing with identical twins! I will drop in tomorrow morning to check on everyone before I shut down my computer. Ross, I'll especially be thinking of Chris, you and Lyn while I'm gone. Please know that I pray for you all every day. And Nancy, I'm keeping tabs on you and Joe as well and you are still in my prayers. I'll check in when I get back. LINDA
Have a wonderful time Linda!!! I wish the best for the last chick leaving your nest!
Congratulations and have a wonderful time and be sure to bring us back some pictures. Don't count on the empty nest for long- they tend to come back often and with grandchildren to boot!- if you're lucky:D
Wishing you a wonderful wedding weekend ... your son couldn't have picked a better day to get married, Oct. 14 is my anniversary (11 yrs!)!! :)
Here's another plug for Oct 14 being a lucky wedding day -- this year my parents will be celebrating their 67th anniversary on Oct 14.

Linda, best wishes to all your chicks for long and happy marriages!