WDW Race

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Well-known member
Apr 23, 2006
Clay, NY
I'll be in Orlando for the WDW races in January. This year I am doing the Goofy Challenge....the half marathon on Saturday and the full marathon on Sunday....39.3 miles in 24 hours. I did the inaugural Goofy in 2006, and 3 months later got my diagnosis, so I wanted to do this again to show I had come back fully from my surgery.....I'll have some full circle!
Good for you Tom and Good Luck. Are you working to better your time from when you did it before? You are certainly a committed runner....or need committed (LOL).
Kodi, I doubt I will better my total time from 2006, I was in the best shape I had been in a long time back then! I had skin cancer this fall and underwent radiation treatments, which at the end impacted my training (3 weeks off!) in the middle of my training schedule...so I did not get all my training in, but have my 20 miler under my belt, so I know I can finish these, not sure of the time.
Sorry about the cancer, now we're alike in another way, however, mine wasn't skin cancer. I know the effects of radiation, even being in decent shape. You'll do great and the object is to finish. Good Luck.
I'm so excited about running the half marathon this weekend at Walt Disney World! It will be my first official half even though I've been running for about 7 years now.

I ran 12.2 miles on Friday in 1:55 & that was in freezing weather and wind.. I'm hoping to finish the half marathon in under 2 hours. Please send positive vibes my way:D
God speed.

I had planned on doing a half on January 1st but I simply wasn't up on the long runs, so I bagged it and ran a 3.5 miler instead. If you've gotten in sufficient training it should go well.
I'm so excited about running the half marathon this weekend at Walt Disney World! It will be my first official half even though I've been running for about 7 years now.

I ran 12.2 miles on Friday in 1:55 & that was in freezing weather and wind.. I'm hoping to finish the half marathon in under 2 hours. Please send positive vibes my way:D

Good for you on your first official half. Good luck. Just remember to go out a little slow and pick up the pace as you warm up. Anxious to hear the results.

Tom..Good luck to you on the Goofy Challenge.
Made it

Made it

Well, the weather in Orlando did not cooperate, but I got my Goofy medal (and 2 more medals,for finishing each race). 2:25 half marathon and 5:22 full marathon. Saturday moring saw snow in the air, sleet, then rain. Sunday it was 26 degrees at the start at 5:45 am. BUT, I completed both races, just like I did one year before surgery, so I call it a complete recovery!
Great finish(es). Valver or not, that's a major feat.

A Floridian can complain about that weather but coming from NY you should have been well acclimated to 26 degrees. Right now I'd be quite comfortable running in those temps.
Tom, great job and accomplishment. Proud to know you and all the time and effort you put into being actively involved in getting the word out that there is life after a major life changing catastrophe.
Congratulations...what's next
Those are awesome times Tom. I ran the half in 2:06 and gladly lined up at the end for my Donald medal. I must say though that those Mickey medals & those sweet looking "5" Goofy medals were calling my name.

I'm doing the full in 2011 & going Goofy in 2012!

Sorry we missed each other down there, the weekend was a blitz but definitely an experience I won't soon forget.
If you want a nice Disney medal....they have a half marathon at Disneyland on Labor Day weekend. If you run the half or full at Disneyworld then the half at Disneyland in the same year, you get a special coast to coast medal! That is next on my agenda. I plan on getting a visit to Edwards Lifesciences while in LA for a tour....
Thanks for the tip, I'm looking into it now. It might actually work out for this labor day weekend. I just got my email from ASI about my Disney marathon photo's being ready and online, the prices are SO outrageous!!

I just do a low res screen capture, not the best but better than 17 bucks for a 4x6.