Warfarin Dose based on genetics?

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VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Sep 7, 2003
Dallas Area Texas
Just came across this Yahoo news article.


It appears that there is a lot of activity in trying to tie down the dose and reduce (the cost of) testing.

I applaud the research, but will hold my enthusiasm about outcomes a bit. My concern is that the article doesn't mention variability in diet and exercise. The doc from the Mayo clinic seems to grasp the complication as well.

Still, it will be interesting to see what happens.
Tommy I copied this thread to the anticoag forum also. We had a company come in here and start advertising Genetic testing about 4 months back or so. It was really expensive through them, don't remember the exact figure nor what company, but if that's any indication of how this might go, I can't see insurance companies going for it. I could be wrong, what else is knew.
Post this news release

Post this news release

Very interesting article. Thanks for posting it.

In a perfect world every patient should be made aware of the statistics outlined in this article and should be asked to sign a waiver prior to accepting a mechanical valve.

Prior to implantation every patient should be obligated to attend training clinics on the reality of this drug and hospitals should be obligated to sponsor them.

I realize my comments will not be appreciated by everyone but that is how I feel about ACT.

lance said:
Very interesting article. Thanks for posting it.

In a perfect world every patient should be made aware of the statistics outlined in this article and should be asked to sign a waiver prior to accepting a mechanical valve.

Prior to implantation every patient should be obligated to attend training clinics on the reality of this drug and hospitals should be obligated to sponsor them.

I realize my comments will not be appreciated by everyone but that is how I feel about ACT.

One could argue the same thing about many drugs on the market today. Even aspirin can cause serious problems and there are no tests to determine the amount of aspirin in one's system.
Aspirin vs warfarin side effects

Aspirin vs warfarin side effects

Hi Geebee

When all is well with ACT, yes it could be compared to aspirin.

Thats exactly the way my surgeon sold me on a mechanical valve and I wish it were so.
Lance I don't know how it is for you up in CA, but here, the problem is mostly ignorance in the medical profession. Please don't take this to mean that all medical pros are ignorant about Coumadin, but it sure seems the majority are.
Although my field of study is not medical genomics, I am a population geneticist/genomicist and am going to do some reserach on this and get back to you guys. I have to get some articles and should be able to have something to report in a week or two...

Same here in CA

Same here in CA


Ignorance in the medical field about ACT is exceeded only by the number of prescriptions written. One wonders if it is world-wide.