Walking again

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
Warm weather. Yea.:D Went back down to our walking path..1/2 mile per lap.. Lady passed us..Hubby let her break her stride by having dog leash,,,,she stopped for a few seconds and kept going. Noticed ..she was older lady..like in mid- fifties..... I was walking fast...and she passed me 2 times.:eek: :eek: :eek: She had on shorts..and I noticed her calves..very muscle... I felt very good..no sob.but to watch her run and pass me:eek: :eek: :eek: Gotta get going again:p :p Bonnie
Send some of that warm weather this way please.
It has been in the upper forties here and we walk about a mile every day.
Tommorow we get heavy thunderstorms and maybe a record high for this date like in the mid-sixties.
Then Saturday it's back in the thirties for the foreseeable future.
Guess I'll leave those shorts packed away for a while longer.


Glad you were able to get out again. Walking outside beats any indoor exercise.

I just took my evening walk. The moon is full and the air temp was about 53 F. Very nice for walking! Maybe I'll sleep a little better tonight. And Sandy came home with some of that 8 hour Tylenol Karlynn told me about! I'm actually looking forward to going to bed tonight!


Great that you have taken up walking. Just this past weekend, Saturday, I managed to walk four miles and 14,000 steps walking myself silly. It felt good. Glad that you are taking it up again. If the weather gets bad, get a treadmill, it helps. Take care and build yourself up slowly. Take care.

Aortic valve replacement
St. Jude's valve
Gotta Comment!

Gotta Comment!

Got an e-mail from a person that responded to my message on a different board, wanting to know if I knew of any exercise that involved no sweating. Yeah! Incrediable that some people are that crazy to believe that doing nothing will benefit them by being lazy. I am proud of everyone here does something of a cardio-vascular workout everday. I was laughing after that message and had to tell the person that no matter what, she has to sweat. Go figure. Everyone take care and keep on working out.

Aortic valve repalcement
St. Jude's valve
Caroline - 4 miles ! That's pretty good lady. Geeze, you're making me look like an old lady. Hmm, maybe I better step it up a little more - As long as I don't sweat :D
I too have been enjoying my daily walks ... It's been such beautiful weather here!

Four weeks after the operation, I'm now up to my usual pre-surgery distance although I do not walk quite as fast as I did then. I also admit to sitting down a couple of times as I go around the park -- I rationalize it by telling myself it is just to contemplate the trees and the birds and watch the squirrels chasing each other up and down the trees.

We worked out that from my house to the small park around the corner, and three times around the park is three miles; if I want to stretch it for another mile, instead of walking back directly from the park, I walk around the block. I usually take my iPod and as I walk I listen to one of the audio-books from Audible.com that I've downloaded onto the iPod. My only regret is that I now walk dogless; my dog died last year. Last Sunday I was dog-sitting a friend's dog, and the walk was much more fun with Xena.

Haven't figured out how not to sweat yet. ;)
Exercise without sweating?

I bet that person drinks de-caf espresso and non-alcoholic beer, too! :D
actually... don't laugh :) but water aerobics is a great workout and since you are already in the water you don't feel the sweat like you do outside.

Since I am feeling better with the nifedipine, I tried a water aerobics class today (it's been 6 months). I still had the lower leg (back of calf down area) pain during the workout and had to stop a couple of time to get the feeling to subside. I took it pretty easy, it just felt good to be doing something again. Water aerobics is such a social event as well. I am always the young one in the class (41) but I still have a lot of fun. With the weather warming up classes will be in the outdoor pool soon. That's even better. :)


Our pool will open in May..but the classes thay have down there are usually early morning and water sooo cold. We live on top of a mountain. :eek: :eek: But..I plan on going everyday in afternoon.. Walking more and more now that the weather is slowly improving.. :) :) Bonnie