Vita K for bruising?

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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2002
Southern Indiana
Just saw a product at CVS called Vita K for undereye circles, bruises, spider veins, etc. I'm bruising terribly right now, perhaps because of the Plavix. Do any of you have any experience with this product? Would it counteract the effects of the coumadin or would it just be more of a topical thing?
Hi Sherry,

Guess I can join the bruise club:rolleyes: During the summer....usally have more bruising. More physcially active outdoors is my guess. Along with a higher INR...compared to the colder months.

Always wonder about the Vit K creams. Have used creams containing a trace amount of K and other additives. Come to think of of them was a salacydic (which is noted to increase the INR). Did not see a change.

Think as long as you are not drinking the will be ok:p
Some do absorb, some don't. About all you can do is try it and watch your INR for a bit.
cousin's inr went up to something over 9 week before last and his dr had a fit - his inr just fluctuates and he has so many things wrong with him they can't seem to keep him stable. His dr ordered immediate spinach and anything green he could get his hands on. He's disabled, can't drive or get to store to buy anything like lettuce, so he just ate whatever was in his cabinet. This week he discovered 3 lumps. two are in the nipples and are hard lumps and purple all round the nipples. Also a lump to the left side of right nipple near his underarm. Very painful. His drs went into panic mode. They are taking biopsies of the lumps, but I bet it's been a bleed out in there. What do you think?

Anything with Vitamin K is going to counteract ONLY on warfarin's affects, not those produced by Plavix.

Two weeks ago I woke up with a goose egg & eggplant bruise on my right forearm. It's now about 6" long. My INR was 3.4 at the time I found this.
This is a replay of what I went through in April, same exact place.