Vit D, Depression, and Heart Issues

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Thanks for posting this Bob. Interesting information. In September I found out my Vitamin D level was low, as was my Thryroid function. I started taking 1,000 I.U. as prescribed by my doctor. The doctor told me yesterday that I could take 2,000 i.u.; I have been having a battle with a chest cold/allergy crud. He said that increasing my Vitamin D dosage may help me out with the cold. So, I'm saying this in reference to the suggestion in the article that 2,000 i.u. may be a normal amount for adults. For some reason, that makes me feel a little better about increasing the dosage.
Interesting aricle...thanks for sharing it, Bob.

Personally, I felt much better (including my energy definitely picked up) after taking Vitamin D. I never thought I was deficient as I always had 20 mins. of sun exposure, but maybe this was not enough for me.
Thanks for posting this Bob. Interesting information. In September I found out my Vitamin D level was low, as was my Thryroid function. I started taking 1,000 I.U. as prescribed by my doctor. The doctor told me yesterday that I could take 2,000 i.u.; I have been having a battle with a chest cold/allergy crud. He said that increasing my Vitamin D dosage may help me out with the cold. So, I'm saying this in reference to the suggestion in the article that 2,000 i.u. may be a normal amount for adults. For some reason, that makes me feel a little better about increasing the dosage.
Me too Wise-low thyroid and low vit D (and some depression at times too).
Its interesting that so many people from 'our neck of the woods' are hypothyroid.
My grt grand actually thinks there may be an environmental cause in the kentuckiana
region.I think she mention something about low iodine in the water maybe causing problems
(this was before they began putting it in salt).
Anyway,not to get sidetracked- thanks for the article Bob,I think it applies
to alot of us here.
Although for years I have taken a calcium supplement that has vitamin D with it, my doctor just gave me a prescription for a once-a-week 10,000 mg vitamin D tablet. When I start it, I will take just plain calcium without the vitamin D along with it.

This is the first time I have ever heard of a once-a-week vitamin D pill. Has anyone else ever heard about it?

I still have to finish my old pills, so I won't start it for a couple of months.
Although for years I have taken a calcium supplement that has vitamin D with it, my doctor just gave me a prescription for a once-a-week 10,000 mg vitamin D tablet. When I start it, I will take just plain calcium without the vitamin D along with it.

This is the first time I have ever heard of a once-a-week vitamin D pill. Has anyone else ever heard about it?

I still have to finish my old pills, so I won't start it for a couple of months.
Yes ,my PCP put me on the vit D once a week. She put me on it for 3 months,and now we need to see what my new bloodwork says as to what I will need next.
Well Bob, it holds value for me!
I am on Vit D, citalopram (Celexa), and a heart patient. My g.p., after complaining that I had no energy, suggested I have blood taken for a Vit D level. It was very for the antidepressants, been on them since my late twenties, and now I'm in late forties. Thanks for putting this up. My husband told me about it and I never got around to looking at it until now. Thanks again.