Very Bad Terrible Day

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Well-known member
Jan 21, 2005
Alberta, Canada
:( I finally got in to see my cardiologist today. I was suppose to go over my recent echo(performed at his office on Monaday). I had to wait 45 minutes before the nurse brought me into an examining room. There she did an EKG and checked my blood pressure. (What that had to do with my Echo results was beyond me.....but I went along with it anyway). My BP was 99/62. I was laying down when she took it. Then she left me there for another 40 minutes. I was tired so I took a nap. Finally the Doctor shows up and asked me how I was feeling today. ????? I said okay but I was still experiencing chest pain. He quickly scans my chart and asks me to discribe the pain. I tell him that my chest feels heavy and quite frequenly I get a sharp pain that rips through the center of my chest and into my back. I told him that the anti inflammatory drugs and the prendisone I was given for pericarditis (his diagnosis in December 2004) had done very little if anything for the chest pain ?????Then I said that I was here for my echo results. He looks in the chart and says they are not there. He leaves the office and comes back in about 15 minutes to tell me that the results have not been completed yet. Now my chest is really starting to hurt because I was fumming over the fact that I had booked 3 hrs off work for nothing. I told him so, he said I guess you did. Then he asks if I had gone to the ER for my chest pain??? Only 4 times and they did nothing cause I wasn't have a MI. Anyways to make a long story short the nurse walks in with my echo report. It said that I had a Bicuspid valve with a dilated ascending aorta. (and what are we going to do about it, I wonder???) Then he proceeds to tell me that my chest pains are atypical with the echo results and that I should get a thailium stress test done. Rule out CAD. I told him I had a treadmill test booked on the 14 (this coming Monday) so can I get that done then? He doesn't say anything. I pull out my stack of rhythm strips I was collected over the last two months that show PACs and PVCs. I also tell him that I have been experiencing pain in the right side of my neck and point to the area of my neck where you can see obvious swelling. I told him about the night sweats and the low grade fevers I have been getting. I said to him...Perhaps I was missed diagnosed and I have endocarditis, and isn't it time I had cultures done? What he says? No one has done blood cultures on you yet??? NO!! I shout back at him. He leaves the office. He comes back in 5 minutes to tell me that he is going to order blood cultures x 3 and refer me to an internist because he doesn't deal with infections of the heart. ???? He is also going to do a 48 hr holter monitor test on me. Then he leaves again. By this time it was 515 pm. My appointment was at 245 pm. (2 1'2 hrs and still no answers to my chest pain) Then his nurse came back and gave me a requistion for cultures, told me they canceled the treadmill test. Said they couldn't book me in for the thalium test until March 28 and the holter for Mar 30. They will phone and let me know when I can see the internist and that I could go now......I said I still had questions for the docotor. She informs me that he is gone for the day. I stormed out of the office.......(BAD patient that I am.)
???? So this is what I would like to know from anyone who has BAV with a dilated ascending aorta, Is the pain I am experiencing aortic pain? Shouldn't I be put on some kind of beta blockers to prevent the aorta from dilating more? (it is 3.9 cm) Is the swelling of the right side of my neck related to the aorta and could this be the beginning of a aortic dissection? Should I have a thalium stress test done? (whats the point?? if my pain is not caridio related??) Should I punch my cardiologist in the head and never come back? Should I go about my life and forget I even have a heart problem and hope that one day very soon it will all go away?

I have moderately severe AV regurgitation. My EKG shows LVH by voltage. Left anterior fascular block (conduction block) and the echo says that my LV end diastole is 53 mm and my LV end systole is 35 mm. (upper normal limits) My LV has enlarged by 2 mm since my last echo 1 month ago.

I had my first set of blood cultures done tonight. I was feverish when I got it done. Tomorrow I am going to take the day off of work and see my PCP and demand a CT scan and to see someone who is willing to sit down with me and discuss what lays ahead for me in the future.

What a pissy ass day this has turned out to be.!!!!!! Help I need a shoulder to cry on!!!! Chest pain since Nov 2, 2005 and still no definite diagnosis or treatment plain....


Forgive me for skipping most of your requests for information. I'm about to try and get some sleep (insomnia keeping me up). I just want to say 2 quick things. I'm so glad you finally got the cultures done. That should shed light on the possibility of endocarditis. Like I told you before, when I had endocarditis I had chest pain that radiated into my back between my shoulder blades. The other thing I wanted to say is that IMO I would FIRE your cardio immediately...he sounds like a real A$$ from what you described. Try and get some rest tomorrow. If your cultures are positive you should know something within 2-3 days. I'll let the others that know more about bicuspid valves answer your other questions.

BTW...I would have been just as angry with this jerk as you were, so don't beat yourself up over what happened today. The important thing is to rule out the endocarditis and then find a more competent and compassionate cardio to treat you.

Hang in there! :)
Yeap, time to fire this one. I've not heard of aortic dilation causing that type of pain, but I suppose it could be possible. I just don't think so in my mind.

Search for a new Cardiologist, this one is being a bum and getting paid for nothing. You need help, not consoling.
Neck pain is not unusual, especially in women, for heart pain. It sounds like there is a good probability that you have an infection, though, and that is more likely to be the cause of your immediate pain, rather than the bicuspid valve.

Of course, with severe regurgitation, you may well find that you also experience more typical angina (exercise-related, stress-related) after the infection clears up. Still, the current pain, low-grade fevers, the night sweats, and the swelling in the neck speak to likely infection.

Don't even get me started about exercise stress tests for symptomatic patients.

Oh, yeah. Count me in as opinion #3 on your cardiologist. Can the bum.

And when you get your cultures back, if they're positive, bring them with you and complain to whoever (if anyone) is in charge of the emergency room.

Best wishes,
Hope you get this before you go to your dr today. Ask her/him to refer you to a new cardiologist ASAP - like NOW. I have learned the hard way that we must be our own advocates regarding our health. You have found VR and you are going to hear this over and over. When you go to the new cardio, go with confidence and an attitude that lets her/him KNOW that you are there to get answers - and that you had another cardio who was not worth his salt but you are sure this new one will be better. Good luck and stay with us.
BAV and Aneurysm

BAV and Aneurysm

I currentley have a BAV and a Dilated Aortic Aneurysm measuring 4.8. I have never experiences any chest pain , or night sweats. When my Aneurysm was discovered Two years ago the Pediatric Adult Cardiologist put me on 125 MG of Topral a day. I have never experienced any physical pain from my Heart Condition. However I am sure it is different for everyone. If I were you I would find a new Cardiologist now, a Pediactriac Adult Heart Specialist if it is possible for you. If your car had this many problems and the garage you brought it to said they did not know what was wrong with it , I am sure you would certainly bring it to another garage so that you car would work properley. YOU are much more important , research and find out where the nearest Pediactriac Adult Cardiologist is to where you live. Many people travel long distance just for peace of mind.and good health. Your current Heart condition needs to be carefully watched. I do believe they do not consider repairing an Aneurysm untill it is between 4.6 and 5.0. MY Cardiologist told me at 5.0 they would repair mine. Best of luck to you .
Your cardio sounds like my 2nd of 5 that I went throught before I found one that would treat me seriously and thoroughly. Don't go back to this dr. for anything. He obviously doesn't give a hoot about his patients. Tell your PCP you need a new one now, not tomorrow.

Best wishes, and keep us posted.
ACHD DR in Canada

ACHD DR in Canada

On the right side of the web is a link to ACHD adult clinics. There you will find links to ACHD DR in Canada.
The cardiologist was terribly unprepared for your appointment. he's asleep at the switch. He should have already checked out several things with testing. It isn't up to you to suggest what has to be done, otherwise, why are you paying him a BIG fee??? You don't want someone like that taking care of you. Get a recommendation from your PCP for a new card.
Thanks for all of your posts. I went and seen my PCP this morning and she is going to try and refer me to another cardiologist. Good knows when that will be. In the mean time I have to try and find a new PCP because she is only a walkin clinic doctor and is not taking new patients. She is also unfamilular with BAVD and dilated ascending aorta and she basically said that she can't help me. She gave me a note to take next week off so I can try and find someone who can treat my pain and find the root cause of it. So there you have it folks. Right back to the begining. Still no answers, no treatment and feeling like crap. I am so frustrated. All I want is to get rid of the pain in my chest and get on with life. Is that too much to ask for?


By the way...My twin sister Mar is doing okay. She had a stress test and a consult with a internist. She does not have CAD and he feels that her leaky valves are okay for now and that she has to have repeat echos yearly to keep an eye on the regurgitation.

While you are looking, I highly recommend that you try to find an INTERNIST to act as your PCP. That is especially important for people with complex issues. Good Luck!

Just get a new doctor.

Just get a new doctor.

I would look into getting a new doctor. Just my 2 cents.

Good Luck, Vero.
The really really sad thing is that once upn a time this story would have shocked the living daylights out of it. Now it rings an all too familiar bell both for me and from the posts I've read here and on another site (different disease).

Do the Donald Trump: YOUR FIRED.

Take care
I feel for you on this one

I feel for you on this one


Just my 3 cents, but I would look for a new cardiologist with a good reputation, that would be able to schedule with me soon and I would be strongly considering lauching a formal complaint about that visit as a preventative act for future patient misery. I am sorry to hear you had such a bummer of a time in that visit and I hope you will have a doctor find the reason for your symptoms and treat them soon.


(Ross I loved the idea of the monopoly you're fired card - I need to carry several of those in my wallet, they will come in handy! lol)
Thanks again for the support. I went to get another series of blood cultures today and when I go home my 7 year old son was complaining about pain in his left rib cage. He hurt himself the night before playing hockey. Some kid hooked him with his stick and he landed full force on his chest. Knocked the wind out of him. It took two minutes for him to get up and another two before he continued on with the game. I checked his ribs and there was swelling and a greyish tinge. He screamed out in pain when I palpated the area. I also checked his spleen area and that too was painful to the touch so I packed him up and took him to the Children's Hospital. Good news was that his ribs were only badly bruised with some soft tissue damage. His spleen was okay. Bad news was that they heard a soft mumur over his aorta. Now he has to go to his pediatrician for further investigation. Grrrrrr, lets hope his murmur is innocent and that he does not have a BAV too. (At least this trip to the ER wasn't that painful.....)

GAWD... Just how bad ARE doctors in Canada anyways?????

I mean, come on... Most of the complaints I've seen in here about cardiologists seem to originate from the Canadian side of the border. Not all of them mind you, there seem to be a few good docs in and around Metro Toronto, but the rest of the country seems to be suffering from a lack of quality docs who know which end of the stethescope is which.

I know cardiology is a speciality field and there aren't that many docs who get into it. Pediatric cardiology is even less common and pediatric cardiologists who specialize in ADULT patients are a rare breed unto themselves....

Get a new doc, pronto. Do whatever you can. It might even mean a significant amount of travel in your case though hopefully not. Stuff like what you're experiencing can't wait and can't always be treated by general practitioners, no matter how well intentioned they might be.
You need a new cardio as soon as possible. This one sounds like the classic, "I have no time to talk and help you," cardio. They are just seeing you and collecting the money. I hope you have a good talk with the PCP and get a referal to another cardio. It is so hard to find a good doctor that takes the time and effort to aks you questions and listens when you have question. Good luck and keep us updated.
I am really sorry to hear of your problems. You really need to look for a cardiologist and Internist. I don't know that much about Canda but the US is just as bad. I have my share of the worst in all fields. I wish luck in finding new DR's and I hope your son is OK. My thoughts & prayers are with you.