Valve Replacement in India

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Active member
Apr 16, 2009
Nashik, Maharashtra, India.
Hi All.

I have had rheumatic fever in my childhood when I was 12, which has caused me "Aortic Regurgitation" and "Mitral Stenosis" I am 28 yrs now. Aortic regurgitation is now in severe moderate stage as per my 2D echo test. I will have to undergo the valve replacement surgery within next 1 year. I am in search of best surgeons which can be available in Nashik or Pune where it is possible to me to perform the surgery. I will have to replace Aortic Valve and Mitral valve will also be replaced if not possible to repair.

Also I want to select the best mechanical Valve. I also have a lot of questions regarding the durability of the mechanical valves. Also What are the precautions after having the mechanical valves. How can it affect my Marriage and marital life? How long will it take to recover me fully? How much will it cost?

If you have any information regarding the Valve replacement surgery Please give your suggestions regarding selection of Valve.

Another thing is I am very afraid of the surgery. Please share your experiences about the surgery.

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Welcome Sharad,

All of your Quesitons have been discussed in the various Forums. It will take some time to read through it all, but it is all there. BTW, I suspect you mean you had Rheumatic Fever as a child and not rheumatism which is a disease commonly found in the elderly :)

For Valve Information, read the "sticky's" at the top of the List of Threads in the Valve Selection Forum. I am a Big Believer in the On-X Mechanical Valve which is available in India.

There are some excellent Surgeons and Valve Replacement Hospitals in India. One of our members, ChouDoufu, lives in China and recently had surgery in India at Apollo Hospital (I think there are more than one). You can find which hospital and his surgeon by seeing his Member Profile or reading his posts.

As far as the Recovery from Surgery is concerned, there is LOTS of discussion under the Post-Surgery Forum.

FYI, Valve Replacement Surgery is a Highly Refined Art which gives you a MUCH Better Chance of living a Long and useful life than if you do NOT get your diseased valve replaced (typically 98% Success Rate for first time surgeries in patients under age 60 versus almost certain demise in just a few years if left untreated)

'AL Capshaw'
yes, i had my valve job and tune up in india. was successful and i'm very
pleased with the outcome and my progress to date.

i've got a slew of posts where you can find info on the trip, but i realized
you'd have a problem searching as i had 'india' in my signature. so your search
would come up with 500+ results.

i've changed my signature surgery location to "chennai bharat' which should make
your search easier. now down to 140 threads.

once you've gone through the posts, i'll answer any questions you may still have.

there's an apollo in pune, don't know if it's a full hospital or just a smaller general clinic.
Hi All.

I have had rheumatism in my childhood, which has caused me "Aortic Regurgitation" and "Mitral Stenosis" I am 28 yrs now. Aortic regurgitation is now in severe moderate stage as per my 2D echo test. I will have to undergo the valve replacement surgery within next 1 year. I am in search of best surgeons which can be available in Nashik or Pune where it is possible to me to carry out the surgery. I will have to replace Aortic Valve and Mitral valave will also be replaced if not possible to repair.

Also I want to select the best mechanical Valve. I also have a lot of questions regarding the durability of the mechanical valves. Also What are the precautions after having the mechanical valves. How can it affect my Marriage and marital life? How long will it take to recover me fully? How much will it cost?

If you have any information regarding the Valve replacement surgery Please give your suggestions on this thread. Also you can write PM to me.

Another thing is I am very afraid of the surgery. Please share your experiences about the surgery.


Yes, you mean rheumatic fever. Yes, there are great cardiologists in India. Make sure 'your doc' knows what he is doing. I have a ST. Jude valve, there are others, but there have been others who post here that have had others and they work just fine also. Mine has been great. I am 6 months post my second OHS. Assuming your doc is a good one, the fact that you are young, the fact there are not any other health issues with you, you should be fine. Best of wishes. Keep us posted.
Sharad, welcome to the forum.

I've had two cardiologist over the years. Both are from India. Had to get a new one when I moved to another state.

I've had no issues with having a mechanical valve. Just keep the warfarin in control and have a normal life.
Good luck.
Also I want to select the best mechanical Valve. I also have a lot of questions regarding the durability of the mechanical valves. Also What are the precautions after having the mechanical valves. How can it affect my Marriage and marital life? How long will it take to recover me fully? How much will it cost?

Another thing is I am very afraid of the surgery. Please share your experiences about the surgery.


Welcome Sharad....

Best valve? Read thru the various posts, you will find much info on various valves. Mine is very old technology and is no longer in production.

Mechanical valve durability? Mechanical valves are designed to last well beyone a normal lifetime. Mine is almost 42 years old and still functioning normally.

Precautions after mechanical valve surgery? I have never had any restrictions placed on my lifestyle. You must take an anti-coagulant (warfarin). This will pose few proablems IF you take the medication as prescribed and test your INR regularly.

Effect on marital life? If I understand your question, valve surgery will have no effect.

Recovery time? At your age and if you have no other health issues, your should recover quickly....the majority of people seem to recover in a couple of months. I was 31 when I had the surgery and I'm pretty sure I was "close to normal" after three months.
Hi Sharad,
I am in Mumbai. Welcome to forum. I have moderate AR. It was detected when in Soul in 2006. I go for an echo every year. Asian Heart Institute in Mumbai is very good hospital and they have some kind of accreditation from clever land clinic. Dr.Pand who is a pioneer in the field of beating heart surgery, redo surgery.He did the surgery on the Prime Minister of India.

Dr. Ramakanta Panda
1. Received cardiac surgery training from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi.

2. Did Fellowship training at the Cleveland Clinic, USA

3. Dr. Panda has also worked for one year as Sr. Registrar at the Harefield Hospital, in the United Kingdom, where he had the opportunity to train under Professor Magdi Yacoub, considered to be one of the foremost cardiac surgeons in the world.
Dr. Terhan was Professor in NewYork university and a surgeon in Applo Delhi.

Dr. Devi Prasad Shetty in Banglore

They just few of the names.
Hi Sharad,

Since you are close to Mumbai, seems like finding a good surgeon there is the best option. However, people do travel to go to the best heart centers within India. Devi Shetty (whose clinic is in Bangalore) is supposed to be a genius but I am not sure if he does surgeries himself. Regarding valve choices, since you are so young, they will most likely recommend a mechanical valve. You should read up on the choices and the implications. This forum is a great source of information.

Best of luck to you.
Hello Sharad & welcome to the forum. Being that you are so young, you should not have any problems in bouncing back rather quickly. I was only a few years younger than you (24) when I had my 1st OHS for double-valve replacements.

I've been on coumadin for 34 years & have never had any real problems with the drug; and, I've had 3 other major surgeries other than the OHS in my lifetime & I'm still here.

Fear is normal & the waiting time can be pretty brutal but you'll get thru it! :)

Good luck to you!
Welcome to the Forum, Sharad. Since many Americans go to India for successful valve surgery, I'm sure you'll be able to find a good doctor and hospital. Many of the Indian doctors I've met here have plans to stay only for a while, and then go home to practice.

I have a Carbomedics mechanical aortal valve, which is so quiet I can't even hear it. Other than that, I can only reiterate what the others have said: go through the forum posts on valve choices and see what you can find out.

Good luck with your procedures, and thanks for joining us. It's great to have perspectives from around the world.


[QUOTE How can it affect my Marriage and marital life? How long will it take to recover me fully? How much will it cost? Another thing is I am very afraid of the surgery. Please share your experiences about the surgery.


hello sharad

your marriage will improve after surgery because all the stress and fear will be in the past.

ok folks, sorry if you think the following is a little bit too direct, but a young married guy is asking a question and i deserves a direct awnser to his concerns - your sex life will improve because your heart will no longer pound and beat like crazy during sex and you will have more stamina too. (i am lasting much longer since my operation) and i can assure you that valve surgery will NOT affect your ability to get or maintain an errection: probably your ability to do so will be enhanced because your mental state will be much improved and you will not be wondering if you are about to drop dead during sex etc. (perhaps you should not tell your wife this in case you scare her ! )

your fear of surgery is both justified and normal, but from my own experience the proceedure is uncomfortable but TOTALLY pain free.

recovery is quite quick, i was back at full time clerical work 2 weeks after surgery (probably a little too quick) and mostly back to normal after 8 weeks; writing this i has realised i am starting to forget some details. these days i work a 6 day 60 hour week and can do hard physical work, no problems.

and do not worry about warfarin, it will not be a problem

good luck!
welcome to valve replacement. nearly everybody is really frightened when valve replacement is mentioned. You are not alone. there are many members here who will give you much information and answers to any question you may have.

We are glad to see you.
Just thought I'd check in on you are you doing?

Are you calmer with the knowlege that you will need OHS in the near future?
We're here to support you so don't be afraid to ask any more questions and/or concerns you might have.

Please continue to visit the forum & feel free to post away!

Take care! :)