Valve problems and high cholesterol

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Well-known member
Sep 7, 2008
I have not had a doctor in years.....recently went for a check up and was told of mitral valve high cholesterol has been dx'd also.
I may have had both for years. Does anyone take "over the counter" remedy for high cholesterol? Says all natural "CholestOff" by Nature Made??? Thanks!
Do yourself a favor, if you get niacin, get the non-flushing kind. I took niacin and it was ok at first and then the flushing started...........I went off of it. Hope you have better luck.
Did the doctor who did the lipids test recommend a statin or prescription medication for you? If so, do you not wish to take that?
I know some people swear that the combination of non-flush niacin and fish oil help, but they did not help me. Niacin elevated, maybe, my HDL which is good. I fought against taking medication, but now I gave up and as the doctor said, once my cholesterol is fine for a few months and I exercise more than now, we may experiment to stop it.

Good luck:)
Thanks for the comments and site for the glossary. Jkm7 I don't think I can do the cost of an Rx.......Thanks again for the hints...I'm following up with research. Jennifer
Jennifer ..... ( love you use the 'nickname' Ponytail. :) )
You're right that statins can be costly but maybe your doctor could arrange for help with the cost through one of the drug companies?

From time to time, Ross has posted ways to request drug company help with providing drugs to those with need. Hopefully he'll see this and post the link.
i had no luck with niacin (flushing) or niacinamide (non-flushing). started with
total chol around 250, taking 20mg simvistatin daily, now in range.

i buy 80mg tablets via mail-order, cut in quarters.
something like $200 for a 2-year supply.
Are the tablets fresh for two years? All my pharmacy bottles comes with the instruction to discard if not totally used by 12 months.

I think we've discussed that here before but I sure do wonder if they are effective for longer than one year. Seems to me if they are stored appropriately, it is probably safe to take them???
I've tried Cholestoff. Waste of money, in my opinion. Mine is so bad that I seriously think they'll be putting me on statins soon. Doing what I can to lower it dietarily, but not having any success.
My mom's cholesterol has jumped in the last year and I've been doing a little research. I never knew there was a link between coffee and cholesterol. It's more pronounced if you drink unfiltered coffee (French Press, older pots, etc.), but even with a paper filter the cafestol (I think that's the right word) can get through.
Thanks again. I am seriously going to try to make changes in my diet. Oats and all...limit hot dogs my favorite food...LOL!! I was 240 in August...260 now. I'm not even sure how bad that is. I was walking and and doing some light workouts before the MV dx. I have become a couch potato....perhaps I'll try walking slow and changing the diet some and see. I usually find most OTC vitamins, etc to be a waste of $$$......Cholestoff most likely the one end...out the other.
Thanks for the comments and site for the glossary. Jkm7 I don't think I can do the cost of an Rx.......Thanks again for the hints...I'm following up with research. Jennifer


Have you checked about the prescriptions? My mom takes simvastatin in a fairly common dose and it's only $4/mo at Walmart. Simvastatin is the generic for Zocor (I think). PCP just called. He's not giving up. He wants to call in Simvastatin. Funny when I sign on one of you knowledgeable people had the answer all the time. I called Walmart and they gave me a price of $ 24.36......I'll check the $ 4 list when I get there.
I checked with the Cleveland Clinic and they said it's OK to take with MV regurg...while waiting for surgery. Does anyone disagree with that? Once guys are the best!! Thank you! Jennifer
Thanks Ross....I have never taken any meds and am especially aprehensive now.

Also the Walmart list includes 40mg Pravastatin for the $ 4...but 40mg of Simvastatin was $ 24.36 for 30.
Ask your doc if pravastatin might also be appropriate for you. If it would be equally effective, why not go with the less costly. Speak with the Wal Mart pharmacist to see if they think the drugs similar enough that your doc might consider that choice.

Nothing to lose by asking IMO

Sounds like you have a doc who cares. Excellent!
Yep....I was surprised.....he wanted me to come in for an office visit. I feel "all doctored out" and said maybe later. I could not believe he had the staff call me and insist on calling in an RX.
I will take your advice and speak to the pharmacist. Thanks!