V Tach questions

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Active member
Aug 14, 2009
Poconos, PA
I had my aortic valve replaced w/St Jude valve 21 yrs ago. Watching and waiting on ascending aortic aneurysm. I just had a stress echo done and it showed that I had multiple pvc's ( nothing to worry about necessarily) and a v tach of 6 beats when my heart was at the 85% range during the test. They had me wear a holter monitor and I see the cardiologist at the end of the week.

Obviously I have to wait to see what the results are from the monitor but I'm just wondering if those results are normal what the general treatment might be for exercise induced v tach?

I'm already taking 100 mg's toprol daily, which has been upped to 125 mg's until I see the cardiologist.

Has anyone else dealt with this? Just wondering if everything else looks ok if this is just something they keep an eye on for the time being.
dont know much about the vtac but glad to hear your valve has lasted over 20 years that means there hope for us. got my st. jude in jan. have heard good and bad things about this type of valve how has it treated you up till now sorry to hear about the anyrysm mine was 5.3 c. but doing better now.
st jude mechanical and ascending aorta replacement
Sorry, I'm no help either, but I am very impressed with how long that valve lasted in you! I hope someone knowledgeable about your question shows up, you might try (Im new, I don't know if they do this here, but I would) read through Lyn's very experienced replies to people, she might have something for you... She sure has for me...
So, what did you possibly do so brilliantly that you kept your valve for so long...?!!!
I would suggest that a 6 beat run is not too alarming but not normal. I would also want to know if the PVCs were multi or uni focal, and what showed up on a 24 hr monitor.

Unfort I've had a great deal of experience with v tach.