Urgent-corbin Grabb Needs Prayers

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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2006
June 19, 2006 at 11:53 AM EDT
The continual retention of fluid and swelling has not diminished, Corbin is in "severe" congestive heart failure and Dr. Ohye (surgeon) is sending him to the cath lab immediately. The ever-positive Dr. O, however, does not feel that he will find anything to "fix" by cath and has indicated that Corbin may be facing a "take down" of the fontan surgery which was completed April 13, from which Corbin has fought so hard and long to recover. I've lost count of how many open heart surgeries he has already had and this would be a major one, returning him to the circulation prior to this hospitalization. All the echocardiograms through Friday showed excellent heart function -- this is a surprise. Terri thought they were looking at weeks, not hours, before something drastic would need to be done.

Travis left with the boys to drive back to Virginia this morning, knowing none of this, although he'd told me by phone that the fluid retention was very scary. I will have to tell him the latest news when he arrives as Terri does not want him driving under such stress, and we may have to get him on a flight back to U of Mich.

PLEASE PRAY. We are tempted to fall into a spirit of fear, but the same God who has provided for Corbin every day of his 23 months (tomorrow) reigns today. We pray for another miracle. We expect another miracle. Please pray for superior wisdom for Dr. Ohye -- he's saved Corbin's life 3 times previously -- pray for Corbin to begin to eliminate volumes of fluid, for protection from further surgery, further infection, further drugs, further pain. Please pray for Corbin's comfort and healing. Please pray, as God has commanded us, for I cannot find the words to know how to pray.

Psalm 56:3-4, "When I am afraid, I will trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid." 10-11, "In God, whose word I praise, in the Lord, whose word I praise -- in God I trust; I will not be afraid."

Thank you for your prayers and caring. May God be glorified THIS day!
My Prayers For Corbin...

My Prayers For Corbin...

I am sending you all the best prayers that I can muster for you and yours and Praying VERY Hard that Corbin overcomes this horrible bump in the road. Harrybaby:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
I am new here, and I don't know all that you have been through thus far.

But God does! May God grant you and your son His Peace, His Comfort, His Healing. May God guide you and your physicians in your decisions.

Prayers and tears for this sweet child and his courageous, inspiring family!
Am thinking of Corbin lots - I've been following his roller coaster of a story on his carepage and am very saddened to read the latest update. I'll think all things positive that he has another miracle recovery.

Lots of love
This poor little guy - he sure puts our meagre trials in perspective.

Prayers winging.
Oh My! Praying right now for this little trooper and his family and medical team!
Will step up my prayers. Thank you for keeping us informed and for giving us a way to help.
I send my prayers to you and Corbin...trust in our Lord..he knows what is best. Hugs. Sandy
There's been another update; a little more positive than the last. I get an email notification when they update, so although I read it, I didn't keep the post to put here.
Maybe one of the mom's will share the latest post; I just rely on the emails to stay abreast with about 5-6 children on the Support Pages.
June 19, 2006 at 04:57 PM EDT
Wow, thank you for your prayers and messages. When I can't think and run out of words to pray, your messages encourage me and God uses you to provide comfort.

Please forgive me for any errors in my updates as communications are not too good right now and, of course, I'm hundreds of miles away and have only my daily notes to refer to. But as best I can tell (photos give me a good reference), over the past week - 10 days Corbin has been retaining a LOT of fluid. I'd thought they were returning him to continuous drip diuretics, 6 different ones, but apparently he's still on doses. At some points the doctors reassured that his heart was doing great, but now some are saying he's never adjusted well to the fontan circulation. Last week he was stronger and playful and by week's end he became lethargic and VERY swollen. Yesterday he was passing blood and they stopped his feeds AGAIN. The excess fluid is hard on his heart, but the cause and treatment of the excess fluid is not clear.

Today's heart catheterization showed narrowing of the RPA (right pulmonary artery) to the point that the right lung is not getting blood flow. The PA pressures are both too high and the diastolic pressure in the heart is too high also. Dr. Ohye is considering a stent to the RPA by cath and/or take down of the fontan surgery. He's told Terri that both are risky and neither one good, and he has to think about it and consider what's best for Corbin. There was considerable bleeding from the cath site and Corbin has been given blood products.

Travis and the boys are back in Va and Travis is staying until he gets more information from the doctors.

We Praise God for safe travel home for the guys; for sustaining Corbin through another catheterization; for the love and support Terri has from her sister, U of Mich staff, and heart friends on-site; for strength to find joy in THIS day.

We Pray for WISDOM, for ALL the medical staff who need to come together to make the best plan for Corbin's care. May God pave the way for ALL of the specialists to meet at one time, to have clarity of thought, exceptional wisdom and creativity and success in Corbin's care. May God work a miracle to rapidly eliminate the excess fluid, relieve the pulmonary pressures and reduce the drug interactions that interfere with healing. We pray for Terri to find peace and comfort in the God who provides for Corbin. We pray that God will protect Corbin from infection and human error and work a miracle of healing on Corbin.
We find our Joy in God's mercy THIS day and pray for His sustaining Grace. Thank you, thank you SO much for your caring, your prayers, your support, calls and messages.


For anyone who would like to keep up with Corbin, go to www.carepages.com, his page is CorbinGrabb
Corbin will be in my thoughts and prayers -

Corbin will be in my thoughts and prayers -

I'm so sorry to hear of this little boy's plight. Why-why-why?

Christina L