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Hi Yaps ~ I'm so sorry you're going through all this. My thoughts and prayers are with you. ((((HUGS)))) Dawn-Marie

Aye.... Thoughts/prayers coming your way....

Cort | 35swm | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"Come along and share the good times while we can" ... Lynn Anderson ... 'Rose Garden'
Got off the phone with Darleen a few minutes ago and the procedure is set for tomorrow noon. She's anxioius to find out what's wrong,whether the news be good or bad.
She's really tired of waiting in the hospital, but it's due to INR regulation so can't be helped.
She was glad to know that Ross's surgery was a thing of the past and said to tell Hensylee that she would keep her in her prayers until she was over the pneumonia.
I'll call again Wednesday morning to see what the bone marrow results are.
Yaps' bithday is Thursday, so I hope she's released by then
Please try to keep us up to date. I know with her, it's hard. I wish we as humans, never had to endure these trials.


I talked to Darleen a little bit ago, and she came through the procedure just fine. She had them knock her out for it, so there was no pain involved.

She's waiting for her INR to get in range, and hopefully she'll be discharged tomorrow--her birthday!:)

Results won't be in for a week or so, and maybe by then she'll be back home and can post them for herself.
HOORAY,good news and Mary Thanks again for
the beatiful job you do of keeping us posted and
informed......As Ross would say....HAPPY DANCE!!!!:)

zipper2 (DEB)
You remain in my prayers, Yap and I will look forward to hearing good news from Mary on Monday.
I am home,

I am home,

with a box of lovenox :p..7 days is enough my nerves (and veins) can take,whoo!
Wont have biopsy results for a few days,but was just happy to be home.
Thankypu for your thoughts and prayers,love the pup
know you are happy to be home (again). Enjoy your own space. Hope you get real good answers soon.

Nice weather this morning, isn't it? little coolish, but nice.