Unresolved pneumonia, CT scan, Pulmonologist, on & on

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Well-known member
Jan 12, 2002
Springfield Mo area
If you've read any of my previous posts over the past 5 wks or so you know that Jerry was diagnosed with pneumonia on July 28. The acute stage finally seems better, no elevated temp, the cough has changed from productive to non, he feels somewhat better. About 2 wks ago after a round of prednisone he felt great for 2-3 days, then had another downturn. We called the GP who ordered a CT scan which showed infiltrates in the lungs, mostly the left lower lobe. He was referred to a pulmonologist.

Yesterday was his app't. They've scheduled a bronchoscopy & biopsy for next Tues and are trying to exclude non-Hodgkins lymphoma. Otherwise it might be an inflammatory process such as sarcoidosis, a fungal infection, etc. etc.
He's concerned because Jerry is still weak, has lost 8-9 lbs, has a cough & is intermittently SOB.

The really fun part involves the bridging therapy (Lovenox). Of course there's the chance of bleeding while they're messing around in your lungs, which would not be good. The coumadin clinic folks had got his INR down from 6.1 to 3.9 after the prednisone. (Range is 2.5 - 3.5) The pulmonogist has him skipping last night & tonight, coming in Fri for a protime. If it's 2.5 he starts the Lovenox shots every 12 hrs until after the biopsy. I was glad they didn't insist on it being lower than 2.5.

We have to do the shots ourselves. I'm not much of a hands-on nurse type and Jerry's not looking forward to shooting himself so we'll see how this goes!
Celia ask the pulmonologist to look for Hemosiderosis. It is rare, but I have it and what he's going through is exactly how mine presents. They'll have to look for Hemosiderin laden Macrophages in his lungs. Make sure they are looking for this. It's way underdiagnosed.

Chance of bleeding with bronchoscopy is 100%. They cut tissue for biopsies. Does the house or anything that you breath all the time have any mold? Dampness etc?

I have been watching this thread from the beginning. I am sorry it's still hanging on and will be waiting to hear the results of his coming tests. Wishing for the best news and that they find out what is really going on.
I'm glad the pulmonologist is just dropping him to 2.5. Cox is big enough they may use a laser attachment that can zap any little bleeds that start.
Best wishes for a benign diagnosis.
You are in my prayers for a benign diagnosis and a problem free procedure.