Two years, y'all

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halleyg Supporter
Supporting Member
Jul 19, 2007
Atlanta, GA
Officially my valversary is the 22nd, but it was on a Wed. of this same week, so figured I'd post today! Plus I'm home with a sick child and have the time...

Just wanted to thank you guys for being there the past 2+ years. I went through OHS #1 without knowing about this site, and believe me, it makes a huge difference to have the support of people who have been there and understand!

I am doing great with my ticker, I think I am in the best shape I have ever been in. Last summer I still wasn't able to swim laps b/c my heart rate would go through the roof and I just didn't have the stamina still b/c of some damage. My cardio encouraged me to keep forging on, which I did, and I am now lap swimming for up to 40 minutes at a time. I also regularly practice yoga, speed walk and/or run on the treadmill (still have to run in intervals, but I'm running!) and take various strength training classes. In October I am going to get certified to be a yoga instructor. I feel that yoga made a huge difference in my recovery, after a year+ of surgeries and difficulties, I felt completely disconnected from just about everything, including myself. Yoga helped me heal not only physically but emotionally and spiritually as well. I hope to one day help other heart patients and maybe even have yoga incorporated into cardiac rehab.

So, that's an update on me! Thankful to be a part of this forum and thankful to be here! :)
Congrats on your valversary!!! Reading what all you can do now is really an inspiration to me!!!!
So now you're in your terrible 2's!!! Congratulations and wishing you many many more years of looking back on the great life your valve has given you.
Happy 2nd valversary, HalleyG! Wishing you many more years of good health. It was wonderful to read your post and see how well you are doing.
It is also encouraging to hear about your yoga commitment post-surgery. I love yoga and am hoping to continue it as well post-surgery. It certainly has helped keep me grounded, too. I am currently taking 'heart chakra' yoga classes. This might be of interest to you.

All the best!
Thanks to all of you! Freddie, that video had me cracking up, my daughter especially. I think Woodbutcher needs to download that song for his bike ride!

ottawagal, that class does sound like something I'd like, thank you.
Haley, I am sooo proud of you and all you have accomplished in these two short/long years. You are an inspiration to others who will come along and read your post. Bless you.

love Atlanta - daughter lives in Sharpsburg.
Halley, You are doing great and Happy 2nd. May you have many, many more.
Good Luck on the swimming and the yoga.. Keep up the good work!!

P.S. We are going to try to come to Atlanta in November maybe we can try to have another get together since I had to cancel the one in March. Let me know if up to it?
Crystal :)
OK, you all are so kind, I'm actually a little choked up right now! Thank you so much for the wishes and all of the continued support. As much as yoga has helped me, so have all of you.

Crystal, that sounds wonderful, we never did get our SE get-together organized, and November sounds great, the weather should be really nice then (you never know with Atlanta!) Just let me know when you'll be coming when you have an idea!
Congratulation Halley!

Love to hear your story. It is indeed an inspiration!

You'll make an incredible yoga teacher!!
Keep up the good work and good luck with the certification. I think Yoga is an excellent tool in cardiac rehab. My rehab facility provided yoga as part of their classes after the regular rehab workout and I attended most of them. Yoga helped center and calm me.

On on occasion after the yoga workout I nodded off into a short peaceful sleep; when I apologized to the instructor, she said "No problem" it was actually a compliment because it meant that she had done her job to put us in a relaxed state.

Ya'll Take Care,