Two Tragedies

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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2007
North Carolina
My family has had two tragedies this week that have both been shocking and honestly have us reeling. First, my husband's cousin died from what turned out to be a fall from a ladder, but the police thought that his newly divorced (as in 1 day) ex-wife had murdered him. So, that has been a big ordeal, in addition to just the saddness of his death.

Then yesterday, at my father-in-law's business, one employee came in and shot another employee who had worked for my father in law for over 20 years and then killed himself. The guy who did the shooting had worked there for 16 years. Supposedly, they were actually very good friends. The guy had been caught trying to pocket money for himself instead of turning it over to the company, but they weren't even going to fire him. Unfortunately, my f-i-l had sold the rest of his business several years ago except for this one little office. He is too old to be dealing with this kind of mess. My husband said he really looks unwell. Every one involved there is in shock.

My husband has left to go home to see both his parents (the cousin was on his mother's side). It is just a very sad situation and just makes you realize you don't ever know what may be going on in someone's life that you are dealing with on a day to day basis. Please keep all these people and their families in your thoughts and prayers. I think they all are going to have a very hard time with this.

Kim I am SO sorry to hear about everything going on. My thoughts are with everyone involved in both these tragedies. You husband's poor family as well as all of the families involved with the shooting.
I'm very sorry to read this, Kimmie. I will keep them all in my prayers. As you say, no one really knows what is going on in anyone's life on a day to day basis. Sometimes I think life gets more scary with every year that I live.
Oh Kimmie, I had no idea all this was going on with your family!

So sorry to hear of both of these tragedies! It's just amazing how everything can be going along nice and smooth, and then without so much as a warning, your whole world can be turned upside down!

I offer my prayers to you and your family and hope that peace and calm will soon be restored.
Oh my goodness, Kim........ so much sadness. So very sorry to hear of this unhappy events in your life. I hope you and your family find strength to get through this. My thoughts are with you and yours.
Thanks for all your kind words. My husband talked to his dad early this morning and he was already at the office where the shooting had occurred and said it was as bad as you would imagine a situation like that to be. It is just bad for all the families involved.
Oh my goodness, Kimmie ... very sorry for the tragedies and losses....

Thoughts/prayers en route....

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