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I'ts unusual to see only one turkey. We have had wild turkeys in our area for about 5 years and always see them in groups (flocks ?) of at least five or six. I get a big kick out of seeing them. They are rather dumb birds, sadly. One will walk into traffic and the others will follow. :eek: Maybe that's why you only saw the one, Nancy.
They come from a large flock that lives about a half mile away inside the fenced in area of the National Guard Airport in the woods on their property. My house is on the path to and from the place where they live, and the ravine and woods on the other side of the development and they pretty much follow that path. Sometimes there is a pair going through and sometimes a single one. I haven't seen a large flock walking this trail, only the pair at most.

We have alot of willdlife on the coast here, but no turkeys. Maybe you should, (if you have not already) start an album of all the wonderful photos you have taken.
And that my friends is the "Meleagris gallopavo silvestris" or better known as the Eastern Gobbler. There are approximately 5 or 6 different species of wild turkey in North America.

The ones in our part of the woods are "Rio Grande Gobblers".

Very pretty Nancy! :)
Wow, great to kmow which species the turkey is. One day, I hope to get a shot of one with the tail fanned out.
My neighbor who lives across the street is an avid hunter, goes up to the wilds of Canada every years for a couple of weeks. I have a small pond in the front yard that has become a frog haven. It is filled with Eastern green frogs, and when it is mating time, which is right after the ice melts, they make a huge racket, most of the night. Well, when John first moved into his house, he heard them croaking. And they actually sound like a flock of turkeys. So hs stealthily came out of his house with his turkey call and was trying to find the turkeys. He told me about this quite after the fact. I guess when he found out what they really were, he was embarrassed. But we had a good laugh about it, and he told me that he thought they even answered the call.