Triscupid mechanical valve replacement - lot´s of questions, few answers....

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May 15, 2017

Although I had an aortic valve replacement(mechanical) back in 2003, I´m writing as a concern of a newly made friend her in Sweden, which recently had to replace her Triscuspid valve due to endocarditis.
She´s 35 years old and the surgeon choose a mechanical valve to replace her sick valve, it´s was an emergency and there were never much of a discussion which valve to go for due to the speed of events.

Now she has recovered rather well, but are just getting to grips with how her new life will look. The issue is, that it´s so rare to replace an tricuspid valve here, so the cardiologists said, there´s only 2-3 other patients with these mechanical valves in the whole country. They said they do not know the mortality rate as there are no longterm experience of it, they however did not paint the brightest picture of her future to come.

As you call all understand she´s devastated and are a bit lost for words of her whole situation and how the h*ll to tackle life now....

I feel tremendously sorry for her and like to see if anyone here would have any more information or experience surrounding replacement of the tricuspid valve to an mechanical one. Any input or shedding of light would be received with the highest of gratitude.

Many thanks in advance,

Sorry, it was so slow uploading, so thought it did not, can´t find where to delete it now, so if the moderator could please handle it?
ValveViking;n876615 said:
Sorry, it was so slow uploading, so thought it did not, can´t find where to delete it now, so if the moderator could please handle it?

no worries, I was just directing you and others who may answer this to that thread ... so answers aren't scattered all over the joint :)