Transfusions during surgery

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Well-known member
Apr 3, 2013
I'm starting to see some preliminary bills and I have my entire medical record from Mayo. We're starting to work through these.

I was told, pre-surgery, that I would not be transfused - other than with my own blood, [edit - ie - capturing and recycling during surgery, not autologous tranfusion], unless my hemoglobin dropped below 8.

After surgery, we couldn't seem to get a straight answer from anyone as to whether I had been transfused or not. This was upsetting, as you can imagine. It seems like a simple question.

Here's what I can reconstruct from the paperwork that I have:

Day before surgery - Hemoglobin = 14.7

Surgery Day:
Approximately 7:30 - I'm moved from pre-op to the operating room (I remember this)

07:36 - Two units leukoreduced red blood cells transfused (?? - This is what the paperwork says - seems a bit early. Surely nothing has happened yet.)

08:41 - Activated clot time = 138, fibrinogen = 200

08:46 - Platelets = 229

08:52 - 1.44 units of intraoperative salvaged RBC transfused. I'd guess this is [edit - my recycled] blood.

08:54 - Activated clot time = 592. Normal range is 84 - 139 s.

09:40 - Activated clot time = 498

10:12 - Activated clot time = 516

10:46 - Activated clot time = 107

10:49 - Platelet test result = 125

11:18 - Two units of plasma transfused and four units of Cryoprecipitated Antihaemophilic Factor transfused per medical record. The bill says twenty units of the Cryo AHF - WOW - that's nearly $10k. Obviously, one of these numbers is wrong.

11:28 - Hemoglobin = 8.7. This is the first hemoglobin test that I can find on the day of surgery.

12:30 - My wife was called told that the surgery was completed.

13:05 - Hemoglobin = 12.5, platelets = 135

I have calls into both the surgeons office and the billing office in an attempt to get answers to these inconsistencies. I certainly understand that I may have needed blood during the surgery. I did hope that I would not be transfused due to the increased risk involved. I know we're not living in the early 80's and hopefully the blood bank screenings are robust these days.

I do wish that we had been able to get a more detailed answer to some of our questions during our time at the hospital.

Your comments are appreciated.
Did you donate your own blood prior to surgery in case you needed an autologous transfusion?
I'm sorry, my post is mis-leading, I did not pre-donate for an autologous donation. I'll edit the original post.
these are questions for your doctor, I believe. Medical jargon can be confusing. Even as a doc (though a pediatrician) I am not exactly sure what happened when your hgb goes from 8 to normal in just a couple of hours without a documented transfusion.
Call back if no one has called you by now.