Tooth extraction....

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This thread has been quite informative. Glad there is a place to discuss topics like these. Sorry about the nervousness Woodbutcher though glad to hear how everything has worked out. I get my wisdom tooth out/half another tooth out on the 19th.
Sadly, we have to educate the educated about Coumadin. Disturbing isn't it? You'd think after 50 years they'd of learned something.

You know, you might just continue your Coumadin and tell him that you stopped. I bet he won't notice any difference, then when it's done, you can tell him you didn't stop. hehehe
@Ross yes it is quite disturbing , I wish all of them were up to date on matters ... and yes, that is a consideration I almost imagine the shock on his face ha ha

On the plus side, I am supposed to be knocked out for the procedure. The oral surgeon said it shouldn't take him more than ten minutes.
Just sticking my head in here as I am booked to have the other half of a broken tooth surgically extracted on Tuesday and yeah...I am starting the merry-go-round of Warfarin vs Heparin etc...I remember back to when Rossman had all those teeth done and am not wanting to repeat his nightmare...I am hoping I can avoid all the dramas by printing out the article and presenting it to those who want to make decisions regarding my ACT. I am quite tempted to say I stopped and just secretly go ahead regardless.

Does it make any difference if its a surgical extraction or what? Its the front tooth and at present I have a horrid lisp...grrr and am confined to home to save the neighbourhood from my awful appearance...
Ton even full extractions could be done without coming of Warfarin. It's just too bad that I had a Doctor who was himself on Coumadin at one time and had bad experiences from poor management, so he formed a poor opinion of Warfarin from the get go. I tried and tried to tell him that Heparin or Lovenox was worse, but it fell on deaf ears. I really got ticked when my Cardiologist didn't step up to the plate, but told him to do what he thought was best. Only time in all the years with this Cardio that I wanted to smack him silly.
I am printing off the article you provided Ross and gonna have it laminated and strung around my neck...nah not quite.... but I will take it to my Doc and Dental Surgeon and cross my fingers that thats accepted as the new warfarin Rules.

as always thanks muchly dear Ross...big hugs
Reporting back....
I did it my way...rather ignored the part about seeking advice from my GP/PCP and just checked the www for more articles...1st one that popped up was from a respected local Doctor of dentistry who had studied the warfarin/dental issues and was quite adamant that it is not needed to stop warfarin and indeed rather silly and possibly dangerous to patient to do so...
I knew my INR was within the 2-4 range so decided to just go for the extraction and have faith that nothing weird would happen blood-wise. Well I was not questioned again re. warfarin and had my tooth extracted under IV sedation and it bled no more than any other patient ever bled and stopped in a timely manner. It was an easy extraction even though it did have to be cut out. 1 week later and all is well...INR is still perfect and I didnt need to bother my doctor with the ordeal.

yeehaa...I am pleased and I still am a Dental Phobic. but at least I have a new front tooth on a plate replacing the unsightly gap in my smile.
Good for you Aussigal ! Glad it all went well and that maybe between us we've taken some of the fear away from having a tooth extraction on Warfarin ? I dont know what all the hoo ha is about !?
Where's the gummy photos !?
"testing"....lets try this photobucket thingy....
hAhA...OOOO...I feel so computer savvy now! yippee!....thats a teeny tiny plate I have now with my little plastic tooth stuck on it filling the ugly void...

OK have the pics so it did happen...LOL...
hAhA...OOOO...I feel so computer savvy now! yippee!....thats a teeny tiny plate I have now with my little plastic tooth stuck on it filling the ugly void...

OK have the pics so it did happen...LOL...

Well I was sort of hoping to see it in your mouth. :biggrin2:
C'mon man get with the program....scroll up Ross...there are 3 more pics....before, during and after!...only you could get me to post such ugly pics for the world to see!

eeeewwww... look at what years of excess coffee does to the inside of a root canal....kinda glad that ones gone now I see the inside of it.
Cool, now imagine 6 like that in different areas of your mouth. That's how mine were before removal.
One was bad enough to look at, with 6 I would have gone crazy...I still have a few root canals that are many years old...might live on yoghurt forever so as not to break any your life and food is different with the new set! and speaking...took me a little while to get "S"
I lived without teeth for so long that I can eat just about everything except nuts, without them. Honestly, it's more comfortable not to use my teeth, but for crunchy stuff, I put them in and when I go out with others. Outside of that, I gum everything to death.

Keep saying, "Seven Swans Swam by the Seashore" and you'll have the 'S' sound down pat in no time.