TomG Surgery/Post-Op

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Active member
Jul 31, 2012
Collingdale, PA USA
Hello to all,

Just wanted to update everyone on my surgery and post-op went,
The day before the BIG DAY, September 13th, 2012 I had called
my cardic surgeon and asked him for something that he could prescribe to my pharmercy to help me sleep as I was starting to
get somewhat nervous about my OHS for my Mitral Valve Repair as I knew that it would indeed change my life forever. So he
prescribe Xanex for me, so my friend from California who had come out to help through this whole OHS experirence from a few
days before my OHS until September 30th, 2012 then she is going back to California and let me tell you this, if it wasn't
for her I do not know how I EVER would of gotten through all of this, she is what you call a "TRUE FRIEND" which is almost
unheard of nowadays! Well that night I took a shower and then another with that special soap that they give you and also had
to do it again the morning of the operation. When morning came I was still getting more and more nervous, not so much of the
actual surgery but of what to expect afterwards. I had to be at the hospital at an ungodly hour of 5:30am a bit early for
me. So that morning I got up took a shower with the special soap and took a photo of my chest knowing that it will be
changed forever in a few hours but I knew I had to do what I had to do otherwise I could die. So we drove to the hospital
and signed in and they did their usual pre-prep for surgery and my friend from California had to wait in the surgery waiting
room until the surgey was over. As I got wheeled into the OR it was somewhat scary but more fasinating as I wanted to the
the OR a few days before as I wanted just to get an idea of what was in store for me but I could not swing it because of
legal issue plus there were surgeries going on the day I wanted to see it. Well I was fully awake when they wheeled me into
the OR and they slide me onto the OR table which at that point was heated and then I got to see what I wanted to see a few
days before. I got to see the heart and lung machine that they will be using when they stopped my heart for the operation. I
seen all the surgerical instruments that they were going to be using sitting out on a sterile table, I also got to see the
ventilator that I will be on during the surgery and a few hours after I wake up after the operation. After about maybe ten
minutes or so they started the medicine that would put me to sleep and that is all I can remember of that day as the surgery
started about 9:00am or so until about 2:30pm and I did not start to wake up until about 7:00pm or so that night. I was
still on the ventilator and remained on it until the following day. It was a relief when they finally did take it out that
following morning. I was in ICU for four days as I developed some minor complications which were my blood preesure was low
something like 70 over something and also my O2 level was in the low 80's and so they put me on oxygen. I eventually had to
have a broncilascope done to clear out my left lung of fluid that developed during and after the operation. So after four
days in ICU they were able to move me in a regular room and maintaion close monitoring of my vital signs. I slowly improve
and when one of my doctors came in on Wednesday September 19th and said I will be able to go home on Thursday and I said how
about today and he said if all the tests are okay he said fine, well later on that day we were told that I could go home so
once all the paperwork was completed they wheeled me to the front enterance of the haypital and my friend from California
was they with my car to pick me up and take me finially discharged from the hospital and going home. At this point I just
want to thank the following people:

Dr. Stephen Weiss (My Cardiac Surgeon)
Dr. Carlos Ortega (Assistant Surgeon)
The Entire staff at "Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital in Darby, Pa"
***A "SPECIAL" thanks to my CLOSEST Truest friend anyone could have" Jolene G from California"

Tom, Congratulations on your surgery. The day came and gone. It’s great to have it all behind you now.
Wishing you the best!
Good to hear from you, Tom, about your experience.
Thanks for sharing with us.
Hope you continue to do well.
Tom I'm really glad to hear that you have someone to go through this with you. It is a major life event and I couldnt imagine going at it alone!
THe worst is behind you, now its all downhill. My best friend hung out with me for my 8 day stay, and it made me so glad I married her 25 years ago. She usually has a pretty thick shell so it was always hard to get to here true feelings, but as I had some tense moments post surgery, the scared look on her face told the whole story. the nurses and trauma team had to bring in the crash cart after my hr jumped up to 185 beats per minute and strayed there for several hours while they waited for the meds in my IV to work. In those few hours I found out she felt about me and us together. She was soooo good to me as i could hardly do anything myself for the first week.

I dont know how some people handle this kind of surgery without this kind of support. We that have good friends to help in times like this are truly blessed.
Hi Vinnie,

Thanks, now I just got to get my energy level back up. Unlike you I had to have the full blown OHS, but I am so glad this will someday down the road will all be just a memory!
Hi Adrienne,
Thanks! Yes, my surgeon (Dr. Weiss) said it was involved but was able to repair it. I did have a few ninor complications after the surgery one being fluid in the lungs along with very low blood pressure and oxygen level. As of right now 10/02/12 everything seems to be okay, still having low BP but I am having a nurse come out evry so often, I just think I run a low BP. Now once I get my energy back up and before you know it this some day will all be a memory execept for the scar. Which I do not mind even though it is long,,hey it saved my life!

Hi there,

Thanks, still have a few minor issues but mostly I feel pretty good just have to get my engery back up. Tell you one thing this was the BIGGEST experience of my life!

Hi Terry,

I quite agree, this was so hard to go through and I would NEVER have beein able to do this on my own! Jolene my friend is whta you call a "TRUE" friend!

Hi there,

You are blessed with such a "TRUE" friend as well as I. I met my friend in 2004 when I was in trip in Greece and we stayed in touch and REALLY became very very close friends to a point we are like family. I too had some minor complications after surgery. I had fluid in my lungs and had to get a broncuascope done and also my BP was very low as well as my oxygen level. I was in ICU for four days which typically should at most be two days.

I feel so sorry for anyone that would have to go what we been through by themselves! As you said we are VERY BLESSED!!!

Congratulations on your successful surgery and thank you for sharing your story - it realy took me back to mine. Like you, I was rolled into the OR fully awake because the anesthesiologist said my BP was too low to give me a sedative first. I was glad to get the 'nickle' tour of the OR as they prep'd me for the surgery. And it was a very surreal experience to say the least.
Please keep us posted on how things go with your recovery
Congrats Tom. I'm glad that you made it to the other side. I wish you a smooth ride through your recovery. Take care!

Congratulations Tom. Recovery does get better. I too, had loving family and a husband (of 50 years, come Dec.3) to stay by my side. He has been so good to me. I could not have made it without him. My heart goes out to the folks who have no one, and no recliner! LOL
I can remember running my hand across my smooth chest, a few days prior to the surgery, thinking it would never be the same. Now I look on it as my badge of courage! I wear it proudly, to show the world I am an overcomer, with the help of God, excellent medical care and my family.
My BP ran extremely low for a couple days post op, but I was told this is fairly normal. After 30 days and my first return cardiologist visit, I have once again been placed on Diovan for HBP. It seems to be working well.
Take care.. and stay in touch with us here.