To our members in Dallas

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Well-known member
Nov 11, 2002
S.E. Mi
I heard today that not only are you folks getting George W. for a neighbor, but also may well get the recently ousted Mayor of Detroit.
Our local news tonight said he is being let out of jail this evening, and is headed for Dallas tommorow.
You people are so lucky.:eek:
Yeah, I saw that. To what do we owe this particular honor, I wonder? Oh, wait, it's because of Jerry Jones' obvious open door policy toward all the criminally-inclined football players the league has to offer. Must make that former mayor feel right at home here. Is Michael Vicks next?

I stopped watching the Cowboys when they fired Tom Landry, not that I can hold a grudge or nothin'

I won't comment about the presence of W. This is mostly a Republican area, though City of Dallas proper went Democrat in the last 2 local elections.
I will say, however, my sister (who campaigned heavily for Obama) did call to warn me when W's plane was about to touch down a couple weeks ago: He's BAAAAACCCKKK.:D:D
No politics here, remember! Personally, I'm honored to have W and his daddy in my state!
On a personal level I think W is a great guy.
But the ex-mayor of Detroit is a far different story. He is a liar and a real crook. With all the FBI investigations still going on as we speak, he well may end up back in jail instead of Dallas.
It's a real scandal.
Thankfully we live four suburbs away from that city, but some of what they do affects everyone around this part of the state.
And this guy's mommy is a U.S Senator!!
Is there such a thing as an honest politician?
Rich, I hear there's a governor from a state near to you that may be looking for another place to live as well! We already have Governor Goodhair and don't need another one!

honest politician - don't they call those oxymorons?
I don't know what they call them,I thought just plain morons.:(
I'm jealous of that governor's hair, sure wish I had hair like that.
I wonder where he buys it?:rolleyes:
I thought the Detroit ex-mayor was perhaps heading to Southlake -- at least his wife has rented a home in Southlake. For those not familiar with Southlake, it's a very upscale area in Tarrant County, not far from DFW Airport.

My sister works at a JoAnn fabric store near the home that George & Laura Bush have bought. I should ask her to keep an eye out in case Laura drops in to pick up some home decor fabrics...... ;)
Wya is moving to an upscale neighborhood in Dallas called Preston Hollow. They wanted to put up a security gate for privacy/security but had to go through City Hall since it was a public passed. They reported that the local security...Dallas police...will cost tax payers about $1 million a year. Glad I am not in Dallas

Southlake is an upscale suburb/town between Dallas and Ft. Worth...about a 5 minute drive from DFW airport. A lot of professional athletes live in that area so that kind of gives you an idea of what type of houses are there. Not sure how Southlake will handle the Mayor moving there since they do not put up with a whole lot there. It was recently voted the most wealthy town in the US.
Hey, what's going on with our governors anyway?!

Our own governor (Richardson) as you may know, had to decline the president's appointment for Commerce Secretary because he's embroiled in some controversy too!

So perhaps he'll be joining Blago & W in Texas too soon!!! :D:):p
I know that many residents complain about Houston, San Antonio and Dallas being "sanctuary cities" but I didn't know it had to do with fallen politicians! Everyone knows that Texas is one step below heaven (some say above) and where everyone wants to live!
why dallas? what's wrong with the "hobby ranch" in crawford?
don't tell me he done run outa brush?

or maybe he wants to be near a wet-N-wild, cause hear tell
they got water boards thar.