Tired on digoxin?

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2005
I'm taking 250 mcg of digoxin daily. I feel bushed all the time. It seems to keep the A-Fib at bay pretty well, but my heart rate is in the 50s and I'm lacking energy. Is it me, or is it the digoxin?
In my opinion it is partly the digoxin. I have takne Lanoxin for years and take .125 mg. I am chronic atrial fibrillation and that in itself is tiring. Very tiring. But Lanoxin or digoxin makes the beat stronger and slows it down. My heart rate would be really low. I was just miserble. And I have a tendency to have low blood pressure also.
My pharmacist advised me to consult with my doctor and to tell the doctor that I should split my dose. Digoxin works on the same principle as coumadin. It builds up in the system. Hence the digoxin tests. When I was taking a full dose it would hit me hard. The doctor okayed the split and had me wear a holter monitor to see what happened and for how long and when it woudl happen after I took the full dose. My heart rate would really get so slow that were afraid for me. At one time getting down to 38. At the next dosing they split it and everything was fine. It used to also make a horribe inside of body smell , almost chemical. And that stopped also.
It was the best thing that I ever did. Now my dig levels are evened out and no overpowering doses all at one time. I even got to lower my doseage a little as it is now even. I still feel tired and I have no cure but this sure helped.
It might be worth you checking with your doctor also.
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Wow Deb! 250mg of digoxin seems to me to be an awful high dose! And your low heart rate is most likely the result of that.

I, like Missy, take .125mg of digoxin daily. In fact, after my two surgeries in 1975, Lanoxin (digoxin) and coumadin were the only medications I took for approximately 26 years!

When my long-time cardiologist retired, the new cardio, took me off of it for no good reason, other than "we are going to do things my way"! What happens? A year later, I had to be taken to the ER so the doctors could shock my heart into normal rhythm because my heart went into hysterics, beating so wildly, I thought it was going to stop! That's when I decided to give that stupid cardio the boot!!!

I don't know why your cardio has you on such a high dose but that is something that I would certainly ask him ASAP because your low heart rate is most likely the reason you feel so tired and blah!

Give him a call and make an appointment to discuss your issues.

Hope you get answers soon and get to feeling better! :)
I started to tell her that also, but looked again and it looks like she is saying micrograms. The second time I read that as mcg. I don't know enough about dosing to comment but maybe you do Norma. Or maybe it is a typo or maybe it needs to have a period in front of it.

Deb, if you would, comment and let us know exactly what you are taking.
Hi, Ladies,
It is micrograms. I've been drinking coffee nearly every day to give myself a boost (definitely not good for the heart rhythm) because I cannot be tired at my job. It just doesn't work.

I see Doc next month. Before that, I am having my digoxin levels tested. I forgot to take my digoxin a couple days this week, and I had nasty A-Fib. So I guess it is working, but I am tired and it's no fun.
So Deb you must be taking twice as much Digoxin as Njean and I . I thought that was the way it is but just wasn't sure enough to comment and hope that I interpreted that correctly.

I agree with NJean that you need to get the dosage amount checked. And also to think about asking your cardiologist about the split dose.

Let us know. This subject is interesting as it pertains to all of us on digoxin or Lanoxin and we need to learn all we can.

Hope it works out for you and that you get to feeling better.