Tired of getting little nicks on your hands while working in the yard or with metals?

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Well-known member
Jun 11, 2001
HI Gang,

I posted something about this a long time ago, but thought I would repost this idea. (I was working on my house metal gutter screens this weekend when I thought to repost this).

Being on Coumadin, it never fails that when working in the yard, on my car, or on my boat engines, I would always get a small cut somewhere on my hands. And, of course, these little cuts would bleed and bleed, and really become a nuisance.

So, I purchased a pair of Kevlar gloves. These are the same kind that are used by people working with sharp knives or metals. The pair I have fits like a second skin, and I can even dial numbers on my cell phone with them on.

I never get any cuts while wearing them. My biggest problem is remembering to use them, but I blame that on the heart-lung bipass machine. (never on getting older ;))

Anyway, just thought I would resend this as there are so many new people on since I last posted this.

Just Google "Kevlar Gloves" to locate many different kinds of these gloves.

Here is an example. The price on this site is the price per Dozen, so don't let that scare you off. You may find someone local that carries these, or another site that sells retail by the pair.


Wishing you all good health,

Yes they work well. I used them where I worked, and even trying we could not cut ourselves.
Hello my friend! How are you? Missed you at the reunion. Hope you make the next one!

Thanks for the info! I will need these for work. Always skin my hands. Another pair for the garden. If you find them less expensive online...let me know. I will do the same!
Cheers :)

Ann, The picture I am using now was taken last month at Carnival in Germany. This is a celebration very similar to Mardi Gra in New Orleans. It was a great time, everyone dresses in costumes.

Gina, I was hoping to attend, as my niece is a school teacher in St Louis, but I was called back to Germany, and was not in the states at the time. It does look as though my project here will finally be wrapping up by mid April. It sure has been a wonderful 3 and 1/2 years working overseas. I think there may be other projects in the works for me to continue to work on overseas projects, but these will need to wait until the economy picks up some.

Marsha and Bina, yes!! these gloves are used in the meat cutting industry, in fact, my first pair was ordered for me by a friend who was a meat cutter.

I think what I need to do is buy a couple of pairs of these, and keep them in various places so that I will always have them around. A pair for the yard work, another for the car, and one for the boat.

All the best,

Hey Ben,

That is for camoflauge for those stupid birds!
Hmmm.. better be careful here, in the UK birds are not the ones that fly!
But you know what I mean.

Happy Turkey season!

Gina, I was hoping to attend, as my niece is a school teacher in St Louis, but I was called back to Germany, and was not in the states at the time. It does look as though my project here will finally be wrapping up by mid April.

Hope you are enjoying your time overseas, though it would've been cool to finally meet you!

I hope to be in the Nashville area this coming October or November, as I wasn't able to get to Nashville at all in 2008. I'm waiting until then because my "other little sister" (a friend's wife whose maiden name is Stevens, though we have found no direct relation) is pregnant and should have the baby by then. :)

Cort | 35swm | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker ...RT 66 = Sept 5-16, '09
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"It's kinda like Nashville, with a tan" ... Shawn Mullins ... 'Rockabye'
Hi Cort,

Keep me posted on your possible travel dates to the Nashville area.
I am in the process of wrapping up my time on the project in Germany, and should be spending some more time state-side this year.

It would be great to meet you if you are coming down this way.

Keep me posted on your possible travel dates to the Nashville area.
I am in the process of wrapping up my time on the project in Germany, and should be spending some more time state-side this year.

Oh, cool, Rob! I will keep you posted, for sure!

RobThatsMe said:
It would be great to meet you if you are coming down this way.


It'd be great to finally meet you, too. Heck, we missed each other just barely ... in November 2007, iirc....

Cort | 35swm | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker ...Chitown #2 = 07/25/09
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"Put off today what you can do tomorrow, sometimes you don't do the thing" ... Diamond Rio ... 'In A Week Or 2'