tips for getting a good blood draw??

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I was going to ask this exact same question. I've only had my Coagucheck XS now for a few weeks, and although the first time I used it, it worked fine, every other time I've been getting this blood error number code come up and I've wasted at least 6 strips. So the error must be because I'm not dropping enough blood into the semi circle right?


There were times when I ruined strips when using my "S" because of lack of blood being dropped on the target area. Whem I learned about the XS being available I couldn't get one fast enough.

I stick the fingerprint area, the blood comes and then I position my finger under the strip in contact with the side target area where the blood sample is sucked right up. Oh, and I position the monitor at the front of the counter/table/surface so the strip when inserted protrudes leaving space underneath the strip to accommodate my finger. This works for me and I seldom waste strips.

Thank you Dave, Lance and everyone who responded. I'm getting really good with the INR home testing now. I make sure I'm well hydrated, that my hands are warm and that I stick deep enough to get a good blood drop. My Australian GP is so impressed by my XS that I am now 50% home test and 50% pathologist test.
