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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2013
Adelaide, South Australia
I had the bottom half of the vision in my left eye go, for a few seconds, about two months ago. The doctor I saw today told me I probably had a TIA and put me on Plavix. I would have preferred if she put me on Warfarin, to minimise my chances of one in the future. The only thing I can attribute it to is my (pre-op) bicuspid valve. Is this something people have had experience with? :eek2:
I have had the same thing twice....was put on PLAVIX and aspirin. I guess this is standard practice with TIA.
What, you got the eye thing as well? Did they tell you what caused it? And the Plavix and Aspirin stopped it? What dose do you take? Sorry to bombard you with questions, but I notice you're pre-op as well. The doctor put me on Plavix alone, but I'm tempted to take Aspirin as well.
I have had 3 TIAs so may be more in need of the aspirin, more antiplatlet.They always check the carotid arteries.
I've had such vision issues, but mine are just a part of the experience that goes with migraines. What I am afraid of is that one day I'll have a stroke and not even know it. Haven't had actual headaches in years, but still get the vision things, including halos, olfactory hallucinations, nausea, and even occasional aphasia.
I saw a grey screen in my left eye last January and could not see anything behind it for a minute, maybe.

My ophthalmologist confirmed it was a TIA. Since I'm already on Warfarin and I already had increased my dose which was below my range when this happened, he encouraged me to check my Inr more often than I did that month!
Thanks for responding Eva. I asked the cardiologist for Warfarin today and she burst out laughing. I'm going with Plavix and Aspirin, like Carol.