Thyroid gland

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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2008
Northern Ontario, Canada
Hey everyone, I'm new here and one question came to my mind, I'm in the waiting room for aortic valve replacement, my cardio suggests that I go for mechanical valve, not decided yet, my question is I take thyroid hormone supplement called Levothyroxine, will have to take this pill for the rest of my life, but I read somewhere that coumadin and thyroid supplement don't mix well together, anybody has thyroid issue that could help me with this.

Thank You
I take Synthroid for an underactive thyroid. I was on Coumadin for one year (had a repair so don't need it anymore). Once the Amiodarone was out of my system, my INR was very stable, so if the Synthroid affected the INR, the dose of Coumadin was in function of that, and there was no problem.
I too take Synthroid. I've taken it for almost 25 years. It has not affected my INR levels at all. I have been on warifin for almost 2 years. So I would'nt be to worried about it..
I take Levoxyl. Thyroid drives your metabolism, so if you make a major change to your thyroid dosage, it could effect how your body metabolizes warfarin. In my experience, they co-exist just fine - but there is a little interplay when thyroid dosage changes.
My doctor started me on levothyroxine a month ago.....just before I learned I needed this second OHS. I will be on coumadin for about 2-3 months and will be taking levothryroxine and coumadin together and all my doctors are fine about that. Of course, dosage/levels for both need to be checked. The thyroid far less often than the coumadin.

Drug conflict need not be a concern to you in choosing which valve is best for you.
Hi have been on thyroid pills since 2001. I take Synthroid, plus warfarin and
Norvasc. I have never had a problem with my medication. Everyone is different I would talk to either your dr or pharmasist