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Eat the elephant one bite at a time
Supporting Member
Feb 10, 2007
louisville, KY USA
I left an eye surgeons office today and I now have a better understanding of what new valve patients must go thru when dealing with valve choice and possible surgical procedures. I need caterac surgery and had to make a choice between three different procedures. I kinda understood my options...but not completely. It ended up being an "eenie, meenie, minie, moe" decision for this relatively simple outpatient surgery. I now have a better understanding of the bewilderment, confusion and frustration new valve patients must feel regarding OHS. Life sure is a helluva lot more complicated than it used to be:confused2::rolleyes2::frown2::eek2:
I left an eye surgeons office today and I now have a better understanding of what new valve patients must go thru when dealing with valve choice and possible surgical procedures. I need caterac surgery and had to make a choice between three different procedures. I kinda understood my options...but not completely. It ended up being an "eenie, meenie, minie, moe" decision for this relatively simple outpatient surgery. I now have a better understanding of the bewilderment, confusion and frustration new valve patients must feel regarding OHS. Life sure is a helluva lot more complicated than it used to be:confused2::rolleyes2::frown2::eek2:

Pros and cons, I hear you. Then you start to meditate on the cons and its all bad. Skip that, either choice will improve your vision. Your not a statistic your Sir Dick! The choice you make will be the right choice and that's it!
I know what you mean Dick, that's how I picked my "valve"....I made the right choice!
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The Opthalmologists at my Eye Center will perform Cataract Surgery on AntiCoagulated patients as long as their INR is under 3.0 ... NO PROBLEM!
I used to think the practice of medicine couldn't get any more black and white. Boy was I stupid. After entering the world of valve surgery, I think it couldn't possibly get any more blurry gray. So it's not just the heart, it's the eyes too, huh? Ugh.

Well, at least it's outpatient...don't think that's a valve replacement option quite yet.
I left an eye surgeons office today and I now have a better understanding of what new valve patients must go thru when dealing with valve choice and possible surgical procedures. I need caterac surgery and had to make a choice between three different procedures. I kinda understood my options...but not completely. It ended up being an "eenie, meenie, minie, moe" decision for this relatively simple outpatient surgery. I now have a better understanding of the bewilderment, confusion and frustration new valve patients must feel regarding OHS. Life sure is a helluva lot more complicated than it used to be:confused2::rolleyes2::frown2::eek2:

Well said! And if you endlessly surf the WWW on medical choices (as I tend to do), you can wind up second-guessing yourself, too. It is a blessing to have all this information available to us, but at some point we need to realize we have made the best choice we could with all that's before us, and we're better off than we were before.

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