Think I'm getting a cold...!

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Well-known member
Aug 11, 2005
Omaha, Nebraska
Well here I am two weeks out from surgery, and the cold symptoms are starting... scratchy/sore throat and some sinus pressure... I really don't get allergies, so as much as I'd like to think it's just that, the chances are unlikely.

So I've been drinking airborne and popping vitamin C tabs all day... any other suggestions? Hopefully if I do get something, it will go away quickly and stay away from my chest - my biggest fear is getting postponed.... so cross your fingers!


Maybef it's coming on now, it will be gone in a week and you can proceed on schedule. But if you have head and chest congestion, it will be best to postpone. You don't want to be going through surgery while battling the crud. I had one postponememt for that reason. If the "bug" hs settled in, I really don't know any way to send it packing. Sorry.
Kerri.....I had one date cancelled as scheduling gave me a date the surgeon was out of town......then I got a cold one week before the new date. I called the office nearly everyday in case they wanted to give me a new date. But they just kept saying they thought I would be OK. Yes, it went on to be bronchitis. Postponed another month!! But I just accepted that God was teaching me patience!! I did not want to "do" the surgery with any lung problems. The positive is that by the time it was "finally my turn" my anxiety was gone and I was just glad the day was finally at hand. You still have some time. Keep us updated.
Thanks guys! I think the airborne and vitamin c's helped - I do feel okay today, thank goodness (after 2 days of the pre-cold feeling). But I'm not taking any chances - I bought another big bag of the vitamin c losenges and will be taking those throughout the days up until surgery date. :)

I'll keep you posted if anything changes from here on out... it hasn't helped that my schedule has been crazy-busy, but yesterday was the last of that, so that's a good thing.

Thanks again!

I think this heat has caused potential URI problems.

I use a generic form of Flonase every day, and in the last couple of days I've started having some drainage. I get bronchitis very easily, so I'm trying to ward it off.

You don't want to go into surgery with an URI. Good luck at fending it off and keeping it away.
Kerri heres hoping,you got this so cold to a halt and feeling somewhat better.

zipper2 (DEB)

Good idea on the airborne and the vitamin C! I just posted that my daughter came home from France last weekend with the Swine Flu. I'm on Tamiflu but I'm going to take your advice with the Airborne and Vitamin C. I'm 4 weeks out so I think I'll be ok. The fun just never stops...
Good luck and keep popping those Vitamin C tablets!
Get well soon Kerri but go steady on those vitamin C's, they're horrible to OD on, probably not dangerous, unless you're prone to kidney stones but you might need to fit a seat belt to the toilet !