Things that make you really Happy

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
Wanted to start this new thread.....Most of us have had really bad years..with our VR's....I will start..I got my reports from my Woman's tests this summer. ..Both , pap smear and a letter today that my mammogram were both normal :) that made my day..:) .......Just really made my day happy...What makes your day Happy? Bonnie
Women in bikini's :D nekkid is good too!

Feeling good and not having to worry about future problems all the time. Unfortunately, I don't know what that is like.
Great thread Bonnie -

Great thread Bonnie -

I keep meaning to start a gratitude journal to write in every night - I guess it changes a person's life to do that (per Oprah!). I somehow think that Oprah's list every night is probably 10 pages long!!

Ross!!!!! You are BAD!!!

What makes my day happy is seeing our 17-year-old bichon bouncing around like a puppy when we get home from a short absence - he is so happy to see us and that makes me happy.

I also am happy seeing our kittycats happy and well fed, and of course, it makes me happy to fix a good supper for Wayne and to see him well fed, too. :)

Christina L
What Ross said. :D

In addition, having a golden retriever/yellow lab who will eyeball me, nuzzle me, even bark at me every night after supper until I put her harness and leash on and we go for a good walk. Hard to imagine a more persistent personal trainer.
What a great thread! Things that make me happy:

- Perfect fall days like the one today - warm sunshine with a crispness to the air and a sharp blue sky to frame the mountains

- A good annual checkup

- DONUTS!!!!

- Having a book so good to read, I can't put it down

- Curling up with the Sunday paper on a cold winter's morning while sipping piping hot coffee, building a fire, and watching the dog snooze in front of it

- Racing catamarans in screaming wind on a warm summer day

- Waking up on Saturday morning, realizing I can sleep in, and burrowing under the covers for another two hours

- First kisses (especially when they are GOOD :D :D )

- The smell of freshly cut grass

- The first time I hear the crunch of snow echoing off silence in winter

- Thunderstorms when reading said good book on a Sunday afternoon

- Sitting down to a clean house after working all day to have cleaned it

- Greeting friends at the airport; anticipating their arrival

- Hearing the Star Spangled Banner play at the Olympics - never gets old

- Sun sparkling on a rippling lake

- The smell of pine sap reverberating through the forest on a warm day


- Finding shoes that are CUTE and FIT (I wear size 12!!!)

- Flowers, in any way, shape or form

- Sunsets that set the sky ablaze in oranges, pinks, and purples

- The time of day the shadows stretch out and the sun turns the world golden

- Children's first attempts at knock-knock jokes


- Entering sacred spaces; feeling expansive and whole at the same time

- Laughing until I cry and my belly aches

- Writing lists of what makes me happy :)

Thanks, Bonny!
What makes me happy?

Finding a good Dr., snuggling with my mini-Dachsund Amy, snuggling with my hubby Mark, knowing my sons are safe at the end of the day, finding out that hubby isn't going back to Iraq in December or January, having Dr tell you to eat everything in sight to gain weight, good books with coffee, hearing from family back home in Missouri, and the list goes on & on.......:D

Recalling my childhood with the fondest of memories!

Remembering the love my mom and dad always had for each other!

Competing for the first time in a gymnastics competition and placing first in floor..........never placed first again, but that's ok!

Holding each of my precious little newborns for the very first time!

Hitting the sweet spot on my tennis racquet for the first time after OHS!

Living in the most beautiful surroundings to truely experience the amazing, breath taking colors of Autumn leaves!

Watching my middle school come together for one of my seriously ill special ed students and counting $10,000 worth of pennies in a week's time!

Listening to the laughter of my three college aged kids as they reunite and catch up with each other after a time of separation!

Being caught off guard by the most unique and precious of friendships!

Accepting the simple fact that God brings people together for reasons we may not ever understand!

Last , but not least, a good night's sleep!
I love this thread!!

I love this thread!!

It is really special to stop and think of all of the things that we want to live for - thank you!!!
What makes me happy?

- Autumn - may FAVORITE time of year AND my 3 year old :)

- driving down the street I grew up on, in Autumn - the trees are beautiful and hang over the road. It looks like the road is on fire!

- singing with the radio (and hearing my 3 year old try to sing along too)

- singing all songs in my best Bob Dylan voice:D

- the love and support of strangers

- the love and support of friends

- long emails and letters from friends

- chocolate

- big families

- when other people recognize how special my kiddos are

- when my sweet 11 year old son takes some old moccasins, fishing line, and shells and makes a beautiful quiver for his arrows, or takes a rock or oyster shell, and scrapes it with screws to make a beautiful arrowhead.

- when my kids say I Love You

- rainbows

- my brothers and sisters

- smiles from strangers

- the laughter of children

- tears through laughter

* My wife
* My friends and family.
* My pets
* Chocolate
* Jesus
* A good movie
* My church
* Good music
* Good food
* NCAA basketball tournament
** Starbucks coffee**
Happy Things

Happy Things

A good cup of coffee, the love of friends and family, especially when my 16+1/2 year old nephew hugs me and says "I love you!", good music, beauty in all it's forms, a good day of sailing/kayaking, a job well done, having insight, my forum brothers and sisters, and of course like Bonny, good check ups, and sharing all these things with those I love.
watching the dawning of a new day and the sun coming up, my children, my kitties, Miss SS, my dear friends, my baby sister. And my doctors. Also my car - it just keeps going - and going - and going.
Melissa -

Melissa -

There was no mention of your sweetie-pie adopted (from the Humane Society) Aimee in your post!!! When you were in Estes Park a few weeks ago, I could see that Aimee makes you VERY happy. She is such a sweet dog.

Christina L
fun thread...

- family
- friends
- clean air
- the break of day
- rainbows
- crab cakes
- fresh squeezed orange juice
- my dog
- my fast car
- good, loud, clear rock 'n' roll music
- silk anything
- especially beautiful trees
- coming here every day! :D

This makes me happy nearly every morning:

This makes me happy nearly every morning:

Getting up about 5:00 am, and turning on the espresso machine our son-in-law gave us. Then stepping outside in a place where there is no air pollution, no light pollution, 7,200 feet of elevation & a night sky with an unlimited number of stars. Gathering my firewood, stepping back into the house and building a bright fire from the wood I cut, split & stacked this summer, and then: Making a perfect latte which always brings Barb out from under the covers to snuggle with me on the couch while we drink our coffe and get ready for the day.
My beautiful, wonderful grandchildren. Just home from Canada, downloaded the newest pictures of my third one (now 11 1/2 lb) and got word from my daughter that they will be coming on Sunday for a five day visit as his Dad will have to be away on business. I guess I better get unpacked and rested up!!:D