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Sep 24, 2009
Copperopolis, California
Just checking in. After the pre op tests, the surgeon requested a TEE and after that decided, if I was willing, to proceed with a Percutaneous mitral valuloplasty. So thats the way we went. So I still have my God given valve, they were able to open it so that it is at about 50%. Much better. We will still need to deal with the AFib after I heal. Thank you for all the prayers and good thoughts.
I was so glad to see your update, Dar51. I was starting to worry..
Good news from what you told me! Glad to hear they were able to save the valve.
Darla, im so glad to hear from you... Mine went good also. Now we just have to recover. Take it easy, and keep us posted. Danny
That's great! always good to have your natural stuff — they opened mine as an infant in 1986, and it lasted 15 years until I needed a new valve. I'm sure with surgery today, you'll last much longer!
Thank you guys. I pray it lasts a long time as well. I keep thinking that things medically will only progress more so who knows by the time I need a new valve what technololgy they will have. You guys have been such a great support system, thank you!
Great news! Hope that you will be able to keep your own valve for a long time and that they can fix your A-Fib problems too. Rest up and keep us updated!

My son had that tried with his pulmonary valve/artery when he was a few days old, but they knew right away it didn't help enough so had surgery a couple days later. Its great they were able to help you this way and your right, I believe any time that is bought right now with all the advancements they are working on, is great.

How long do they think you will have to wait for the Afib
GREAT news! It is always 1st prize if we can keep our valves and just fix it up a little.

Did they have to cut you open or were they able to go through your artery like an Angiogram? sorry if it is a blond question....
I'm so happy to read of your good outcome! I don't know how it has taken two days to catch up with your report; I even went into community to find you and see when you had last written. Danny had been looking for you after he came out of his surgery.
But the Lord knew what was going on :) so I just kept praying for you and will continue to pray for a good outcome with the A-fib.
Hi Dar, Glad to hear you doing well. I hope this continues to work well for you and the A-fib is taken care of soon.
