The view from this side

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Well-known member
Dec 14, 2010
Hi everyone! My fog has cleared enough for me to type a quick message. If all goes well I shouldbe going home tomorrow. Red tape has kept me here for 2 extra days! The surgeon said I was ready to go home yesterday! Once I have a proper keyboard I will write details, which will mostly be thank yous to the many people here who helped prepare me for what to expect. Take care , derek
Hooray, Derek! Even through the fog, it's a pretty view over here on this side, isn't it? :smile2:

Glad you've got the clearance finally to go home. Hoping for a smooth recovery for you from here on....Cheers!
Derek, it seems we had a police sketch artist on hand for your eye exam
....piece of advice .....don't trust it


I enjoyed your Oompa Loompa and Dumbledore referenced codewords in your journal - made me laugh out loudly enough for my wife to ask what I was reading. Glad to hear that all is well. Please keep updates flowing so we can all know what is happening!