the ups and downs of july

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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2001
Honolulu Hawaii
Hi guys, I haven't been on in a while because I haven't been home, and then I've had a few very bad things happen...two to be exact.

The second week in july we went on vacation(yes, back to MN). It was fun, we camped on the way there and again on the way back. It was fun, but very HOT. Mieke(my little baby, the puppy), went with us, and Zues(Ian's cat) was being watched by a co-worker of Kevin's. Anyways, that was fun, we did all sorts of things, and everybody, especially Mieke, had a blast. Anyways, we got back, and when Kevin went back to work(July 27th) the guy who was watching Zues informed Kevin that Zues got out and ran away. So he is gone. Well, for the entire week that we were back, Mieke was not herself, she had diahrea, was vomitting, and just smelled like something had just died. Sorry to be so blatant, but she smelled like she was rotting from the insides. It was bad. Well, last friday, we had someone come and look at the house and I brought Mieke with us. I went out to get her out of the car(which was wide opened, not closed up or anything) and I found her convulsing with the mucousy stuff she'd been vomitting up all over her. I ran into the house to get the phone to call Kevin, and by the time I got back she was just twitching, and then...she was gone. It all happened so fast, I tried to do CPR and mouth to snout rescue breathing, but by then it was too late. We've had a tough couple of weeks. We did find out that she had Parvo, though. I keep thinking over and over, if only I would have done something different, she'd still be here with us. Poor puppy. She was only 24 weeks old, and we never got any pictures of her. Anyways, I thought I would update you.
I am so sorry for the loss of your puppy. I have 4 myself and cannot imagine not having them. A word of wisdom for you to use in the future, please vaccinate. You can give 5 or 7 way shots starting a 4 weeks and giving another shot every 3 weeks until they have a total of 3 shots. And than a booster yearly. In most states you can buy the shots from a feed store and administer yourself ( which I do). But can save you from the heartache you are going thru now.
we had vaccinated her, in fact, she had just gotten her last shot the week before she died. Poor puppy :( she had a wellness plan, and we got her spayed on july 4th. She got into everything though...she once ate an entire bag of butterscotch chips(the kind for baking), so I raced her to the vet for that one time, they never checked her for parvo before giving her the shot, so we are very dissappointed in that vet clinic. I will never go there with ANY future dogs. They never fully checked her out, they just gave her her shots and that was it. We are going to wait until we move to Everett and buy a pair(male and female) of american eskimos(miniature ones) and breed them. Kevin knows a guy who used to breed them. It wouldn't be for the money(well, kind of) but more for the pets. I feel that a dog should be a part of the family, which Mieke was. There really was nothing we could have done to save her. We think she got parvo from her litter(she was born on a farm). Anyways, that's all for now.
Joy, I'm so sorry for your losses. As my sister and I always say during these times "Darn animals anyway!" Because we love them so much. Other animal lovers know exactly what you are feeling.
I don't know if she suffered at all, like I said, I came out after she already started to convuls, but it was hard for me to see that. I thought Parvo only affected dogs? She was a great puppy, and I miss her a lot.