The Time Has Come!

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Well-known member
Mar 9, 2004
San Francisco
~Well almost. My surgery is scheduled for 7:30am on Monday morning, first one of the day. I had my pre-op appointment yesterday, which went good,so nothing left to do but show up at 6am on Monday. This weekend my wife Lilia and I will be driving up to my parents place in Oakhurst {near Yosemite} and will be coming back to SF with them on Sun evening. It will be nice to have a relaxing weekend.
I would like to take a moment to say THANK YOU to everyone here for all your help and support. I am SO ready to do this, thanks to this site and everyone here.Every question I have had,{as well as a ton of questions I forgot to ask} has been answered. I know I have'nt posted much, but everyone has made me feel like I am part of the VR family. :) THANK YOU! I will see you all on the other side of that mountain!
P.S. ~ I will have Lilia post and update early next week.

Best of luck to you, man! I will be thinking of you on Monday. I'm about 5 months out from the op now and feel really good, so you've got some great things to look forward to.

The first day after the op is the roughest - from there it pretty much gets better each day. Hang in there!
Best of luck Ray. Have a wonderful weekend and we will all be rooting for you on Monday and looking forward to good reports from your wife.

Good Luck Monday, keep your spirit up, we'll be praying for you! Enjoy your family and the weekend..............!
Be sure to look around the OR and see how many of us are there with you.
You'll be in thoughts and prayers and I'll be waiting the update post from your wife.

Good Journey
Ray, go with all our good thoughts and wishes and know we are praying for you. Enjoy your relaxing weekend. We look forward to reading about the news of your successful surgery from Lilia.
GOOD LUCK! from someone who is right behind you........ .I am having my surgery, next Wednesday, the 14th. You are so right in terms of this website. I feel prepared and almost ready to take on this dragon!....You will do great, so will I, and we will compare notes when we both get home from this all inclusive "holiday"!


Ft. Lauderdale
Ray and Mark, good luck to you both. You both will do fine. I'll remember you both in my daily prayers. See you on the other side of the mountain. :)
Ross said:
Be sure to look around the OR and see how many of us are there with you.
Good Journey

Ross gave it to you straight. We're all with you.
Ray, Enjoy the weekend and know we will all be thinking about you on Monday!

Best Wishes, Stephanie
Ray, have a wonderful weekend in beautiful Yosemite and I will be thinking of you next week.
Ray, what a great way to spend that weekend!

When you go in, everything will go so fast that you'll be past the procedure before you realize it. Then it's all recovery. We'll be here waiting when you come back.

Best wishes,
Wishing you the best!!

Wishing you the best!!


We were in the Tahoe area just ten days ago and it was beautiful!! I'm sure Yosemite will be amazing, what a good choice to drink in all that wonder before your big event.

I wake up at 6am every weekday and I promise to send good wishes down to you from the Northwest as I greet my day on Monday.

I'm still in "the waiting room" so I will whole-heartedly be looking forward to your wife's reports and yours which will follow soon after.

Good luck!!

You'll be just fine!

You'll be just fine!

Hi Ray, I will say a special prayer for you on Monday morning. Try to remain calm and have faith in God. Good luck and see you on your way back!

Débora from Brazil
Enjoy your weekend in Oakhurst. I have a friend who is moving there -- she says it is wonderful!

Will be thinking of you on Monday.

Mindy in Camarillo
Hey Ray,

Your attacking it from the right angel! keep your head up even when it's difficult. You will know nothing from surgery, the job of your life begins the minute after - recovery.

We are waiting for your post (surgery) post but don't kill yourself for it. If possible have someone post for you and give it a few days antil you are strong enough to lift your fingers over the keyboard (just joking).

I'll be looking forward to hearing how you are doing. Please have someone post if possible. I hope everything goes well and you have a successful surgery and complete recovery. I will keep you in my prayers. God Bless.
good luck to both of you guys. We will be waiting on the other side. You will have other questions and may need a place to "let it out". Were here.