the time has come.....the walrus said

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aussie girl

Well-known member
Apr 19, 2007
adelaide south australia
I went to my cardio today for my 6 month check up and he told me the time had come fo start organizing things for surgery. I went for blood tests after my cardio appointment and i'm waiting for the doctors office to get back to me with details of admission to the hospital for the angiogram. All other details will be worked out after the results are in. I got the chance to ask lots of questions and my cardio comented that i seemed quite informed on different aspects of the 'condition'.thats because of every thing i have learnt on this great forum thanks everyone mary
I wish u luck and will pray that everything works out well for you.
Are you goin for AVR or MVR?

Hi Mary,

I just wanted to wish you all the best. I will be sending up a prayer from the east coast. I remember having mixed feelings at this time. Firstly nervousness that surgery was finally drawing near but also a feeling of relief that the day for a fix up was near. Being well informed made facing surgery so much easier and there is no better place than her to get the info.

Best wishes,
Honestly sometimes I think the wait is worse.. Praying all goes well with your pre-op testing.
Keep us posted!
Informed is good!:) Best wishes on the angiogram and we look forward to hearing that all went well and you have a date to climb the mountain. Life is good on the other side!
Best wishes,
The time has come, the walrus said, to talk of many things

The time has come, the walrus said, to talk of many things

. . . so listen up when they discuss the results of the angiogram. :)
Good luck. I too think the waiting is the worst part. My prayers are with you.
Soon all the waiting will be in the past. Hope everything from here out goes smoothly. You will be in our thoughts and prayers.
Hi Mary -

Best wishes and hope all goes well! Adelaide, huh? We have a friend who used to live in Cobar. Take care and keep us posted!
Welcome Mary...good luck with the angio and the waiting...I found the waiting to be the worst, all that thinking about the upcoming surgery...I too couldnt concentrate on anything-else until I was in Hospital.