The Pre-medication Blues - Antibiotic prophylaxis causing a lot of problems

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Well-known member
Jun 19, 2010
Detroit Michigan
So here I am after getting my teeth cleaned by the dentist with a lot of discomfort after taking 2 grams (4 500mg tabs) of Amoxicillin. I was told after my OHS that because of the danger of infection, I would need to pre-medicate like this for the rest of my life.

I have been having some problems with a crown so there have been a few trips to the dentist over the last few weeks requiring pre-medication. It seems like when I take this stuff, I get waken up that night with acid reflux and an overall feeling that can only be described as craptastic! I have taken amoxicillin in the past for things like sinus infection but have never had a reaction like this, but of course, not in doses this high at one time. I am not taking any other meds (well other than some Tylenol).

Has anyone else had adverse reactions to Amoxicillin like this?
Jake - Maybe they can change your medication to another protocol. I do not tolerate large doses of Amoxicillin, to they have me taking 4 capsules (150 mg each) of Clindamycin prior to any dental work. I've been using this scrip for a number of years, without any issues.

Ask the prescribing doc what the alternatives are -- there must be some.
I've been doing the amoxicillin pre-medication, happily with no problems, yet, for years. I agree with Steve.
Ask your cardiologist if you can try a different anti-biotic.

Sorry you suffered in that way.
For about 20 years I premedicated with a large dose of Amoxi, then I changed dentists and for the past 10 years
he has me take 2 pills of Clindamycin which is working out fine. Booking my appointment for early afternoon helps
my stomach to be settled down for dinner.
Hi Jake, Sorry to hear the amox is causing you stomach pain. If it help, the wallet card has a chart of the different meds you can take to premedicate and how much.

I don't know if you've had the same problems with any other antibiotics, but FWIW, Justin has premedicated since he first went to the dentist and never had problems with the ammox, but a few months ago when he had an infected impacted wisdom tooth they put him on Clindamycin for the week or so before the surgery to pull all of his wisdom teeth and the plan was for the week after too (since the tooth was infected and since he has a history of BE ) A couple days after he started he had terrible stomache pains, heart burn, nausea (he's never had stomach problems before with anything) he was really miserable
(more problems with his stomach than his tooth swollen face) he eats yogurt and things like that with antibiotics, but nothing helped, so we called and they switched his med to Amoxacillian. at the time I googled Clindamycin and most sites said it can cause stomach, GI issues more often than other antibiotics, so I don't know if that would help you, bu its worth a try.