The Order of the Tawdry Shirt

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Well-known member
Nov 14, 2005
Miami, FL. I'm not really sure what country this
Greetings, all.

I feel so far behind the curve on this one! Noni said that David had posted his shirt picture somewhere, and I think Nan has done so, also... Anyone know where I can see those?

Attached you will find one photograph (by Noni) of me doing my best Bob H. pose/Mick Jagger imitation for The Order of the Tawdry Shirt. Photograph made two weeks post-op.

One and ten thousand apologies for taking so long to get this up. I guess working with image of any sort is kind of like work to me, and I've not been quite up for any of that yet.

More images to come when I get something from Chad of the surgery.

Hope all's well.
That photo was well worth the wait Stretch. Looking forward to the rest when you're up for it. Don't doctor them up too much now! Hope you're doing great in your recovery!
Looking good, Stretch!

I think Nan shirked on her picture-posting duty, but she did move the shirt along. Maybe she'll come up with a post yet.

It's really good to see that you're improved enough to feel like being goofy for a few minutes. We all need some goofy in our lives.

Be well, recover gently,
WHOO HOO what handsome men a few more and this site will need to be rated R, to warn the women about these "stud muffins" lol, my fav part is all the face expressions, Looking forward to the next batch of victims, oops I mean models :eek:) Lyn
Fabulous photo Stretch, lookin' good!

This side of the mountain suits you :)

You give "Tawdry" a good name! Great photo. Lovely incision and "blow holes" (as my husband calls them).
thanks stretch...

thanks stretch...

had my last day at work today before aorta replacement on wed. your picture for the tawdry shirt order made my day. i have to try to remember the pose. and of course, i'll be the one with the toothless grin! happy recovery -- joe
jbrown413 said:
had my last day at work today before aorta replacement on wed. your picture for the tawdry shirt order made my day. i have to try to remember the pose. and of course, i'll be the one with the toothless grin! happy recovery -- joe

Joe- Do you have a Shirt? Do you need one? Either David or I can send you ours. If he's up to it, perhaps David's would be best, as I'm hoping to drive mine up to Ruth and present it to her personally...
Great picture, Stretch and wonderful pose- you're looking good- keep it up!
I love the pic! A little laughter takes the edge off. I'm glad you are doing so well. ;)

Thanks for sharing! It is good to see you up and about and "hopefully" feeling good again.

Take Care of yourself!


P.S. Happy and Healthy New Year to you and Noni!
Thanks, Aussiemember! I had completely missed Nan's photo! Now, all is right with the world... :D

So, the salubrious saga of this senseless Shirt slides slowly southward to the center of the States. Meanwhile, the traditionally tastless Texas tawdry top tumbles toward the trepidatious town of Springfield, MA.

Good fortune to those who help to pass this inane, but very personal greeting to those comrades-in-heart who are about to challenge the mountain. Inductees: wear them in good recovery.

Best wishes,
A thread needs to be started in Post op where all the photos can be easily located!!
That is one fun photo!

And you couldn't have posed in front of a better colored wall! That is a great color that was popular in the disco seventies (almost an electric or fluorescent green) that has happily come back into decorating popularity again (apple green).

Cool, Dude!
Yaaay Stretch! So glad to see you in that shirt and know that you are doing better!!!!!

And thanks Aussiemember for finding my pix.....I would have had a hard time doing that!
Why spit tobaccy an' shet mah mouth, thet is one heck of a shirt pose. ah have taken th' oppo'tunity of downloadin' etch an' ev'ry Tawdry Shirt display fo' future brib----uh, memo'ies. Nevah knows whar them shirt pitchers might show up. Ross, eff'n yo' need a copy jest let me know.


Good t'see yo' up fo' th' pitcher. Yo' sho'nuff look fine cornsiderin' whut yo've been thru.


Read yer "li'l trip" back in t'take care of some unfinished business in t'other thread. Eff'n it ain't one thin' it is t'other.


Like others ah ovahlooked yer Tawdry Shirt pitcher. I've added it t'mah colleckshun.

Happy noo year and,

May God Bless,

Bubba :)