The Olympics

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Well-known member
May 3, 2008
North Idaho
Is anyone excited about the upcoming Olympics?

Do you dream about when you were younger and stronger and faster?

Do you take steroids to honor the young Olympians?

I can't totally put my finger on it but for some reason it just doesn't seem
to be as special to me as it used to be.

I do though have great memories of when I was younger and stronger
and faster...ahhhhhh...Now, here in North Idaho we have a unique

I've never gotten riled over the olympics, but I do like to watch some of the events. Wife changes the channels on me, so maybe that's why?

I think your triathlon is pretty universal amongst the states. :D
I have been watching the swim trials in Omaha nightly because my cousin's grandson Daniel Madwed is a contestant. I'm not sure if he will make the Olympic team as so far he has come in 4th, and 5th in his trials (unfortunately, Michael Phelps has been in most of his trials) and you have to come in first or second or in the top 6 in the freestyle to make the team. My cousin (his grandparents) moved to Baltimore with him so that he could train last year. They are from Fairfield, CT and he is from Stamford, CT. It is just thrilling to see him competing. He will be swimming for the U of Michigan next year. Keep your fingers crossed that somehow he makes the team (either the relay team or as a back-up) and that I will be able to cheer him on in the Olympics!
It would be cool to personally know a contestant.
That would make a difference for me.
Most attention over here is understandably on London 2012. Lets hope it's not a shambles. A very inauspicious begining, spending £400,000 on designing a logo that could well have originated in a kindergarten. :confused: :confused: :eek:

Oh I don't know Bonzo, I've seen some things in our art gallery that I can't even say qualifies as art, but it fetches alot of money in sales. :confused:
Most attention over here is understandably on London 2012. Lets hope it's not a shambles. A very inauspicious begining, spending £400,000 on designing a logo that could well have originated in a kindergarten. :confused: :confused: :eek:

Hey - I would have done this for $50K. I would even make the 2012 a bit more obvious.


Yes, I am excited! Lopez Lamong qualified for the 1500...he is one of the lost boys of the SUdan, and was sposnosred by a local family south of Syracuse and lived here....watched him run in high school...what perserverence.....