The Docs have found out what's wrong with my stomach...

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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2003
NH-Further North
Hi Yall,

I just wanted to let yall know that the doctor's (specifically, my Endocrinologist) has found out what is wrong with my stomach. It seems as if my stomach is paralyzed-It is a condition called Gasteoparesis and because the nerves in my stomach are not working, the food is not taking it's normal tourist route and just hanging out wherever it may lay :D:p:p:D but then again, with this economy, even food has to conserve on the vacations...:D(sorry, I am just thrilled that at least I am going to get to feeling better hopefully)

I have lost 7 lbs in the past two weeks, and Dr. Tung has told me that if I had gotten to the point where I couldn't eat at all, they would have had to put in a feeding tube and I would have had to deal with special food until I felt better. Hopefully, I won't get to this point.

I just wanted to let yall know. Hugs, Harrybaby:D
Geez, can't ya just have something NORMAL? Snicker.:D Seriously, I'm glad you've gotten a diagnosis. Hopefully you will now start to feel better.
Well Agility......Some People Have....

Well Agility......Some People Have....

Geez, can't ya just have something NORMAL? Snicker.:D Seriously, I'm glad you've gotten a diagnosis. Hopefully you will now start to feel better.

Exotic Homes, Exotic Vacations, and Exotic Toys.....Me.....I have exotic Illnesses :D:p:D (Too bad they didn't have a nice tropical drink called "Tropical Illness":D:cool::D (Recipe: Every liquor known to man mixed up and served with a pineapple cup and a nice beach somewhere) this would paralyze anyone's stomach...but the thing wouldn't care....LOL Harrybaby
Not anything you wanted to find out, but at least you have an answer, and perhaps there is another way to take care of the situation than what the doctor mentioned.
I looked it up Nancy..

I looked it up Nancy..

Not anything you wanted to find out, but at least you have an answer, and perhaps there is another way to take care of the situation than what the doctor mentioned.

There are some other new methods to deal with gasteoparesis, and one of them is to put in a pacemaker, similar to a heart pacemaker, then there is 2 different types of IV feeding (one in through the stomach and the other directly into the chest cavity.) Hopefully, the Reglan that they put me on will work. :D:eek::D
A diagnosis is a really good place to start, it lets you know what you can and can not do, and lets you get on with the business of geting better. Good for you, I know it sounds almost wierd congratulating you on finding out you have another exotic illness, but it is the first step in getting it taken care of!
I had known for years that there was something wrong with my head, but when I was diagnosed with depression, it was ironically one of the happiest days of my life! One little pill a day, and I am fine.

Good luck to you!
I am glad that they found what they did also.....

I am glad that they found what they did also.....

Butttttt.........I am just so tired of dealing with yet another diagnosis on top of everything else.....I guess I am just going to have to use humor to get me through this.....Anyone got a spare Banana peel for me to slip on and really louse things up? LOL:D:p:D Harrybaby

Oh Excuuuuuuusssseee MEEEEEEE......I forgot that we have a lifetime supplier of Bananas.....COOOOOOKKKKKKEEERRRRRR!!!! Where Is You You Little APE You? LOL (Lordy....I must have slept too good last night to be this silly.)
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When you feel poorly, it almost doesn't matter what they come up with as a diagnosis, it just makes you feel better mentally to have an answer.

I am sorry anything is wrong but happy that they now know what to do to help.

BTW - I have a cat on Reglan and Prednisone for a paralyzed stomach sphincter and the meds work great for him. ;):D;)
I has to tell you all.....

I has to tell you all.....

This is one medical problem that you DON'T want to have. It is one that is a direct complication of Diabetes, so if your diabetic like me, please, please if you start to feel like you cannot eat, see a gastroenterologist and get checked, as this has been a non stop horror ride since May, and I wouldn't want to see anyone go through this.

Thank you all for your support as always, I can count on your support to help see me through things. Hugs, Harrybaby:D:D
Well, I have only one thing to say GeeBee....

Well, I have only one thing to say GeeBee....

When you feel poorly, it almost doesn't matter what they come up with as a diagnosis, it just makes you feel better mentally to have an answer.

I am sorry anything is wrong but happy that they now know what to do to help.

BTW - I have a cat on Reglan and Prednisone for a paralyzed stomach sphincter and the meds work great for him. ;):D;)

Meeeeoooowwwww Baby....Me To The OWWWWWWWW:D:p:D Hugs, Harrybaby:D
I'm glad you've got an answer, Harry, and I hope the medicine works pronto!:)
I hope so too Mary......

I hope so too Mary......

I'm glad you've got an answer, Harry, and I hope the medicine works pronto!:)

I hope that it helps asap. Now, enough of my garbage...How is your daughter doing with that cute little peanut that she's going to have doing? Please know that prayers are constantly going out for you and yours. ((((((((((Hugs)))))))) Harrybaby:D:D:D
Glad you have a diagnosis now, Harry.

Thoughts/prayers coming your way....

Cort | 35swm | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker
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