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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2013
Alright guys with all your support i am all positive and anxious about my surgery. I go in on the 12th of this month. I just want to get done with it. I only pray it is a little less painful. :p Keep ticking. will keep you guys posted. :)
Both of my OHS, the nurses stressed to me that pain control at Mass General is as important to them as temperature, blood pressure, and all other vital sign controls. They always responded to my measure of pain and kept me comfortable. I am fortunate that I can tolerate almost all meds and anesthesia with no horrid side effects. Hopefully you, too, can count on your nurses to keep you comfortable. Do not be shy about requesting pain meds if you feel you are ready for them. Many here report they have very little pain post op. Many say they are comfortable using only acetaminophin.

You have every reason to think you'll do fine.
We're here for you with any question you have or if your stress level needs some calming.
We Understand. Most of us have been there and have walked the walk.
Hopefully you can spend some time with those you care about the most while you wait for your surgery. Be good to yourself. :)
Amy, there are no words before your surgery except you will be so glad when it is done and over with. The pain is no unbearable. The prodding and poking and waking you up is worst than the pain. I did use the oxy at night time just to be able to get a couple hours of sleep in and the nurses, if you ask them nicely will try to let you sleep a little longer if they can. No one helped me to the bathroom. I was able to get out of bed on my own and go which saved them tons of time. My husband was there with me every night which was much comfort to look over and see him there. The food flavor. The care is exceptional. You will be home before you know it. I will be thinking for you and praying for you.
The countdown begins

Sounds like you are in a pretty positive place mentally...That will help! Wishing you a speedy recovery.
You will do just fine. I thought back to my surgery and really do not remember having any issues with any pain. Some minor discomfort, but no real pain. Don't be afraid to ask for more pain meds if you feel you need them. My first night I had a hard time sleeping because I cannot sleep on my back. So, on the second night I asked about a sleeping pill and they gave me one at 9 pm saying they did not want to do it too early in the evening and it worked just great. I slept till 5 am when they came in for blood sample. Did it the next 2 nights too. After that, no problem sleeping.
Thank you guys. Just trying to stay positive. :) Got my dental tomorrow will keep you guys posted. :) And i will keep in mind the pain killer and the sleeping tab tips. :)

Personally, I don't think I have a high pain tolerance, but I never experience too much pain. Well, except for that darned surprise sneeze! Have a pillow handy to hug just in case. Also, the breathing exercises were not all that fun at first, but you soon see yourself improving and that becomes sort of a fun challenge. The constant poking and prodding was the worse. Try and rest as much as possible for as long as possible. You will be back to your better self soon enough; stay comfortable, do what they tell you, and don't push things too fast. I wish you all the best!
thanks dpalz. :) ill keep that in mind. :)

Lol kim thanks so much. But just a correction i am a guy and yeah it is funny that my frnds call me amy. Hahaha. But yeah i still get the positivity from you so thanks. :)
Just to keep you guys informed. I am done with the pre op and cleared for surgery. In the hosp now. Surgery should be thursday or friday.:) Docs would decide that. Will keep you guys posted. :) Have fun. For those who are ticking happy ticking and those who need ticking just relax about it. :)
AmyR, had my surgery on 6/5. I never found the pain to be anything I couldn't deal with. I had a full sternotomy which is where they saw the whole sternum in half. They had plenty of meds so that shouldn't be too much of a problem. The only pain i really have is when I cough and little "heart" pillow they give me I hold tight against mt chest when I cough seems to absorb 75 per cent of the pain. I hope I never sneeze though:)

I had trouble with my heart rhythm initially after surgery and that initially frightened me, but the folks on this forum assured me this was common and it eventually normalized. I had a nasty experience with my breathing tube but I think I am an exception. I am a lightly sedated patient and usually wake up early. I'm betting you'll be just fine and won't even realize it was ever in. I was like you at one point and said let's just get the show on the road. Good luck in getting all fixed up and in no time you'll be advising others that have yet to walk their walk. As they commonly say on here, see you on the other side soon.
Hey canon4me,

yeah i did read your posts. :) i am hoping it all goes well. i actually have a cold as well as i have allergic bronchitis so i am on the waiting for it to reduce. :) Mostly should be in for surgery tomorrow. About the breathing pipe i asked the doc, he said it is a prob for people with short necks or a tighter wind pipe. he asked me to move my neck extreme back and front and said it should be okay. So now all i can do is hope. :) and again thanks for the encouragement. Trust me it means a lot :D will keep you guys informed. :)
Amy, just don't be stupid like I was for awhile...I was trying to be "tough" by going without pain medication. Bad move on my part. When common sense won over and I realized those pain killers were an important piece of my arsenal, my sleep has improved and I've made better peace with myself.

And I will be praying for you as soon as I post this, asking for a successful surgery for you and the speediest recovery ever!

See you on the other side girl!
Oh no no no. I guess i will ask the doc to keep me on painkillers till i feel good. :) I am not a pain freak as such. I like the pain when i lift not the pain otherwise.:p how long was your ITU stay and how many days before you where discharged?

Lol again just to clarify i am a guy not a gal. Its just the name my friends call me n i still do not know y. :p
AmyR, I was in in the ICU for one day. Surgery was 6/5/2013. Left the ICU on 6/6/2013. Discharged from hospital on 6/10/2013. Would have been discharged on the 9th except I had a nagging low-grade temp. I am holding out in a hotel like they require/ask me to do until 6/13/2013 when they will have me come back in the clinic/hospital for final tests and if they are good I will catch my flight home on Friday the 14th. I will sure be glad to see my two golden retrievers who my wife and I miss dearly:)

Oh, sorry for the name thing. It doesn't alter anything..I will still be praying for you and wishing you the best possible outcome!
Thanks for the reply. :) Oh yeah dont worry all your final test would b clean.

And yeah i know nothings in the name. I felt the positivity. :) Thanks. :)
Hello people,

Just to keep you informed i was supposed to be in surgery now which has been postponed as my doc is not available. Still in the waiting. Take care. :)