The Check Ups Don't Get Easier......

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Well-known member
Oct 15, 2005
Even though I think all is probably fine, I'm getting the pre cardio appointment jitters. I have few questions/issues that I wouldn't make a special visit to him about but am thinking I probably should mention them at my visit. It doesn't get easier does it?

I'm two years post op from my second surgery and it makes me nervous each time I go for the cardio check up. Do we ever go blithely on our way without always having that niggling little worry in the back of our minds?

Good luck everyone with upcoming cardio checkups.
Can't answer cuz I'm still so new to all this (only two weeks out from surgery), but I can certainly empathize with the nerves. Here's wishing you an excellent report at your check-up!

My philosophy is to make a list of any little thing bothering me.....and then be sure to mention it. It is hard to be sure what is significant and what isn't. I have my post-op cardio checkup in less than two weeks....I am preparing my list!

I think this is a pretty natural feeling. It's hard to forget the 'fateful' check- up when we here those words 'The time has come...'.
Wishing you an excellent and worry free check-up.
Well, I am only 3 months out from valve replacement, but I have been dealing with heart issues for many years. The yearly visits don't get any easier. It is best to just suck it up, go, and don't dread them, but that is easier said than done. I take the Scarlette O'hara method of dealing with serious thoughts; "I will worry about that tomorrow".

From past mentoring I have done, there is a lot to be said for the phrase "One day at a time". If we let what is going to happen tomorrow constantly eat at us, we will not have very pleasant todays. We can not ignore tomorrow, but we do not have to let tomorrow dominate today. This is really how I get through through many days.
Thanks for helpful comments, everyone.

I know I'll be edgy until this appointment is behind me. My cardio is calm, not an alarmist and listens to me. I have a good comfort level with him but until I get the smile that says, No problems.......... I'm stressed. :( You'd think after six years of this and two OHS, I'd get used to it.

Can't wait until I can post "had a great report".
I don't think any of us ever get rid of that little "niggling" worry as you put it, whether it's been 2 years or 30 years!

Wishing you a wonderful checkup Jim! :)
I am with you about the nerves before the check-up. When I went for my cardio appointment, my first since a month out of surgery I was pretty nervous. But only because I knew I was having some issues with a-fib and heart rythym. The appointment went well. Then once I got my echo report it got me thinking and worrying again. Seeing as tHe enlargement of my heart hadn't decreased and the fact that my tricuspid valve now has a mild to moderate leak. Which still has me wondering on whether I will eventually have to have that one replaced also. I certainly hope not but I am in a way trying to prepare for it in case it ever comes to that. I have read on her that another valve starting to leak after surgery happens quite often but what I've seen on here is that it is normally a trace to mild leak. So I guess that's why I keep wondering. And maybe that's why my progress hasn't been as good as what I would like. Still have fatigue issues and rythym issues (although not as bad with medication). I wonder if this is as good as it gets for me.
I am with you about the nerves before the check-up. When I went for my cardio appointment, my first since a month out of surgery I was pretty nervous. But only because I knew I was having some issues with a-fib and heart rythym. The appointment went well. Then once I got my echo report it got me thinking and worrying again. Seeing as tHe enlargement of my heart hadn't decreased and the fact that my tricuspid valve now has a mild to moderate leak. Which still has me wondering on whether I will eventually have to have that one replaced also. I certainly hope not but I am in a way trying to prepare for it in case it ever comes to that. I have read on her that another valve starting to leak after surgery happens quite often but what I've seen on here is that it is normally a trace to mild leak. So I guess that's why I keep wondering. And maybe that's why my progress hasn't been as good as what I would like. Still have fatigue issues and rythym issues (although not as bad with medication). I wonder if this is as good as it gets for me.

Jackie -

Try NOT to get to disturbed by your one month Post Op Echo.

It takes Several Months for your heart to heal from surgery.
This includes 'sealing around the stitches' and 'reduction in heart size' where there was enlargement before.

Atrial Fibrilation is a Common Post Surgery complaint. It 'usually' clears up after several months.
If not, there are several medications and/or procedures to address that issue.
Many of our members have had good results controlling A-Fib with SOTALOL
which is the generic form of BetaPace. This medication has few side effects once the body adjusts to it.

'AL Capshaw'
What I have on my computer at home is a saved document, "Doctor Questions." Any time a question for my cardio/electrophysiologist pops up, I'll add it to my list and then print the list out before I leave for my appointment. Ever since my surgery, I have gone to my cardio's office armed with my list of questions. It helps to ease my jitters as well as to help keep the appointment smooth and focused. It seems, though, it's always something with me! It's been four years and my "cardiac adventures" continue! :rolleyes:

Wishing you the best at your upcoming visit. Let us know how it turns out!
I am with you about the nerves before the check-up [...] my tricuspid valve now has a mild to moderate leak.
Ditto and ditto. My post surgery echos have indicated moderate pulmonary hypertension and first 1+, then 2+ tricuspid leak, and I also have a "small mobile structure" on the tricuspid valve, that's fortunately not changing from echo to echo. This was before my PM, so I am looking forward to my 8-month (3-month PM) echo to see if the right side has improved. Mitral and aortic both 1+.

Like most other replies indicate, I keep a list of questions as well. And this time I want to know more about the state of the tricuspid valve, and why the aortic valve is leaking. Only mild, but still, I thought a prosthetic valve would show only trace leakage.
Just to say that I think it natural to be skittish when going back to the doctor. I am pretty laid back most of the time and dont think of my heart condition much. Just go on with life and all that. But for the week preceeding my cardiologist appointment, even if I am doing well, I tend to be a little tense although I try my best to be "cool". I think it is kinda like post-traumatic stress disorder. Once you have something akin to a life changing event, and you go back into that same enviroment, it brings back memories that we would just as soon forget. So..its ok. I mean, I think it happens to most of us. It doesnt mean that it feels very good, for sure, but a good ol marguarita before the appointment helps me (just kidding).

My echo was 8 months out. Where it states that the enlargement hasn't decreased and the tricuspid valve has a mild to moderate leak. The a-fib although doesn't occur as often since the cardio put me on metoprolol does still occur. Maybe I just need a dosage change. As the cardio only has me on 25 mg delayed release. I try not to think about it all but it creeps in from time to time. Especially when I am exhausted.
Have to go March 31st myself so I can feel for you. I am not worried at all though because I feel so well it's hard for me to imagine that he might find something wrong. This is my first visit since my post surgery one, and am looking forward to feeling even better six months from now!!

Whew........ done now for six months.

Had a great appointment. Cardio was happy with all my blood work, he declared cholesterol 'perfect' and was well pleased with my condition. He still has me at six month appointments to keep a close watch on me. He heard no murmer. Echo scheduled for next appointment.
Thanks everyone for sharing it isn't just me that gets the jitters. I was really nervous this time and I'm not sure why. Last time I wasn't so worried.
Don't worry, You do get the jitters the first time.
However, I've been to my cardiologist at least 5 or more time in the past 6 months (not count the re-hospitalization twice after). It's like old home week for me.They think I'm part of the staff..... ;)
Don't worry, You do get the jitters the first time.
However, I've been to my cardiologist at least 5 or more time in the past 6 months (not count the re-hospitalization twice after). It's like old home week for me.They think I'm part of the staff..... ;)

Same here. In the past 4 years since my surgery, I've had about the equivalent of 30 or more annual checkups. I might as well have my own exam room (do I get to decorate? ;)) and parking spot!

Glad to hear that the checkup went well, though! :cool: