Thanksgiving Trivia

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I did aweful...I got 7 out of 20 correct....

I did aweful...I got 7 out of 20 correct....

I was never good with history anywhooooo....LOL :D:eek::eek::D
I got 10 right and then mostly due to good wild guesses. The only thing i was 100% sure of was the defrosting in cold water.
I got 14. There were a couple I guess on and got right, but most of the ones I guessed I got wrong. However, I had an advantage because I taught the history of Thanksgiving to first graders 4 years in a row!
Considering I'm Canadian I got 6 right.
I know; its nothing to brag about.

When you cook a turkey, you don't do like my sister in law do you? Try to serve it while it's pink and uncooked inside? :D

I'm the official thanksgiving cook in this house. I have about 29 Turkeys under my belt, but have yet to deep fry one. I'd like to try it sometime, but not until I have some teeth.
I got 7. Some I had right until I second guessed myself. :cool: Oh well.

Ross, last year was my first attempt a cooking Thanksgiving dinner. Went pretty well. So well, my family decided I had to do Christmas from now on. :eek: I actually found I ate less of the meal being the one to cook it, so that's not a terrible thing. ;)
I actually found I ate less of the meal being the one to cook it, so that's not a terrible thing. ;)

I think that is the truth for most all of us. I start out raveging hungry, but by the time it's done, I have one small plate and that's it. I watch the others go for seconds and thirds. :(
I got 7. It must be geared for us to get 7 right!

our Thanksgiving is really up in the air. Us three Black girls have had health stuff. I had pneumonia, then daughter had ear/throat surgery, today her daughter has tumor/uterine surgery. We hafta feed that huge family of granddaughter's, tho. HELLLLP!
Lyn and I are not doing the usual, "Everyone come to our house" this year. I'll get a Breast instead of a whole bird and then just her and I will spend the day peacefully together. I hope so anyway. Chris and Andrea split up, so Chris is back at home. I'm hoping he finds somewhere to go.
I boycotted Thanksgiving dinner a few years ago, at least every other year when my sister's family is with her inlaws. It's not that I don't like it, it's just that it's such a pain, and I am really tired of turkey by the time Christmas is over! Instead, we all go to the parade in downtown Houston and then my family and my mom eat at La Madeleine's on the way home. This year we are going to volunteer at the Thanksgiving Feast that takes place at one of the Convention Centers. They feed around 30,000 people. Then we will go out to eat.
I got 8...The cold water defrost is incorrect according to the turkey companies! The best way is in the fridge. However, if you need to thaw "quickly" (a relative term), then the cold water method is ok.

I do Thanksgiving for my family. I started over 10 years ago. There were several years we had 2 roasted & one deep fried...both were delicious! The best part about being the cook...everyone else cleans up!
After checking the price of Turkey breast tonight, I think I'll be making a whole small bird instead. $2.99 for breast and .79 cents a pound for the whole bird!