Thanks to Everyone for my Welcome

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Hi Everyone, I posted last week and just wanted to thank everyone for welcoming me. Your posts were overwhelming and I appreciate each and ever one. (Thanks Sumorunner for your poignant thoughts on running, I really enjoyed your webpage)

Next week I begin my odessey of dr's appointments at UPenn so I will update after that.

Permit me one computer technical question -- is our password/sign in linked to the computer you register on? I can't seem to log on to this website on any computer other than the one attached to my email... Any way to change this so I can check the site and log on from different computers?

God bless you all. Have a great day.

mitral valve repair/replace When?? Where??


You should be able to sign in via any PC. You must know your Username (LindaVA) and your Password (*****) whatever it is. You used a password as a part of creating your account. :) Good Luck
We're glad that you've joined us!

As Jay said, the log in isn't tied to your computer--just your account.
If you've forgotten your password (the one you used when you registered) try sending a PM to Ross and asking him to send you a copy. You can always change it to an easier to remember word if you want.
I missed the post last week - so wanted to add a big welcome! you have definately come to the right place - lots of info and support around here.

Hope all goes well in that odessy of appointments ;0)
May I urge you to seek second opinions - even if you are satisfied with the first - it is always beneficial to add sets of eyes - to add additional perspective!!!
Poignant? Oh god, I'm being called poignant. Now my manhood is in question. How about my strong, manly, macho, straight-shooter, sweaty, testosterone laced commentary?

I guess you're welcome anyway.
Hi Linda,

I missed your post last week but just wanted to welcome you and add my voice of support. I only found the site about 6 weeks ago, 2 weeks before having surgery, and I have found it so helpful both before and after surgery.

Your active lifestyle and condition sounds very similar to my situation. All of a sudden the regurgitation was severe with no symptoms and just before surgery the old ticker couldn't keep up with the lifestyle. One week out from surgery I thought I would get in one last surf for a while by jumping of the rocks and letting the wave do all the work. Not a good idea. I got a new found respect for how much work you actually have to do to get on one first.

I can only back up the suggestions that you get a number of opinions if time permits. I was given the impression when I had a TEE that my valve was most likely unrepairable but luckly the surgeon I had whilst fully expecting to do a replacement, ended up doing a repair to both leaflets, and so far so good.

Sorry can't help on the thickening question.

Any way all the best. Whilst OHS scares the **** out of us, it really is not as bad as it sounds.

All the best,

Hi Linda, Welcome, We also live in NJ (camden County) and Justin has an appt at the adult CHD center at penn on the 30th,he had a few of his heart surgeries at CHOP, when will you be there? Lyn