Thanks to all!

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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
Brooklyn, NY
Well, I am finally going back to work Monday. It's been a bumpy ride, with the pericarditis set back, but it is now managable, and time for me to start my "new life".
Being part of this forum and the advice and wisdom gained from it , has made me a much better person. To know that complete compassionate strangers, can be almost like (if not better than) family, and more supportive because you all "get it". This forum has made me so much more informed in medical areas where I was so in the dark, and lacking experience information. I now say things to my doctors that have them stumped as to how I should know
This is not a goodbye letter...just a Thank You card to all.

I will still be trolling this site, albiet not at work, but I will not be a hit and run member.
Thank you from the bottom of my fixed heart! :)


Yes, we do become family here. But better than that, we understand fears, difficulties, etc. of having OHS. Unless a family member had been there, done that, you won't find that connection with a relative.

When I went to my first reunion (Oct 2004), I felt like I was meeting long-lost family members!
Star, i think its great that your going back. Kind of brings a sense of normalcy back... take it slow and easy, and good luck!