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I had a TEE before my surgery, the cardio ordered it and performed the procedure. Looking back, I have no idea why as I was scheduled for a catheterization as well.

Went to the outpatients department at the local hospital. Got an I.V. and all that and I was in bed with my head elevated. I got administered some drugs that made me forget the whole thing, and apparently I was awake the whole time. I remember the Cardio saying that he was administrating the drugs, then I remember asking if the procedure was over. Both him and the nurse were snickering when I gained my memory, so I must have said something I don't want to know about during the procedure.
I had an edoscopy done to check for reflux damage and I imagine it would be same procedure. I had an IV with some happy stuff added and don't remember anything after that.


(btw, am a MAJOR gagger also)
According to the anesthesiologist's report, I was:
- awake and alert
- cooperative with suggestions and instructions
- able to transfer myself from the cart to the operating table
- on Versed
If Bluefields' doctor insists on a pre-op TEE, maybe it could be done in OR, under anesthesia?

Anesthesia is probably a bit much for a TEE, and I would doubt insurance would pay the fees for use of an OR and anesthesia; that might well add a couple of thousand dollars in costs. Versed, maybe mixed with a bit of something else would probably be perfect. Years ago I had a Hickman catheter placed, no anesthesia even though a small incision was done. Demerol and versed worked just fine. I had no pain, no memory of the procedure and the surgeon said I was cracking jokes.

Blue, good drugs do a lot. Don't be shy or hesitant to ask for them. That's what they're for.
I've had a couple of TEE's done & I've always tolerated everything really well.

The spray they used to numb the back of my throat was yucky but after that I don't remember much of anything. It went by so fast, before I knew it they were telling me, "okay, we're done!"

I'm sure you will do just fine! :)
A medication, I think it's spelled Versed, can disallow you to remember the unpleasant surgery stuff.
A drawback is that you may have conversations with others that you may not remember, until the stuff wears off.
I had a TEE a mo nth before my 1st AVR.
It was the Worst thing about the whole experience.
Had a panick attack on the table. Felt I was choking etc.
Swore I would never again have one.
Suspect I was just not medicated enough.

Luckily they did not want one before my recent AVR.
Do you remember what anesthesia they administered? Valium does "funny" things to some people.
thanks again for all of the responses.... despite my :eek2: at the concept..I know I will consent to what is best. All I ask is that I don't have to be there :biggrin2:


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