Tbone didn't make it

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This is such very sad news. His humor and strength will always be remembered by many.
:( You, Tbone, and his family are in my prayers. I'm so saddened to read of this loss. :(
Such sad news ..................

Such sad news ..................

words can't express how sorry I am to learn of this passing.
Ross, I am very sorry to hear this news. Thinking of you and the family.
:( Great saddness loosing a friend, lost my best friend years ago I think about her everyday! So sorry, May God Bless his friends and family!
This is just plain sad and awful news. I am so sorry for his family and for you, Ross.

My prayers and hugs to you all.
I just can't believe this. I had gotten really fond of him in the short while he was with us and I will, personally, miss him very much. I always searched for his posts and enjoyed whatever he said. Reminded me of Ross somehow. No wonder they have been such good friends. I'm so sorry, Ross. It's been hard to take this. Sometimes we find a real friend, personal friend, in VR and if we lose them, it's so hard to handle. Hang in there, Ross my friend. You will have fond memories.
It's sad to hear about this, Ross. We all have special people beside whom we face the difficulties of life. I'm so sorry you have lost a comrade in arms.

Very best wishes,
Really sad to read this post. He was a pretty gritty dude given all that he had been through.

Thanks ctyguy and thank you all. Yes he was. He was very depressed about the whole situation and when I went to breakfast with him 2 almost 3 weeks ago, we talked about it. He and I both knew his chances were much less then what he'd been told, but Terry was tired of feeling like an invalid and being stuck on oxygen and at home all the time. He never was one to settle down. He wanted to go fishing so badly, had bought his license and never got to use it. He was planning a really big fishing excursion when this was all over. It just wasn't to be.

I'm taking particularily hard because this is exactly the same scenario that faces me if I'm to undergo this surgery again. This, for me, is like a major hit in the head with a hammer and a HUGE reminder that today may be the last you have.
Hey Ross,

I can't even imagine what it must feel like for you. My sincere sympathies and condolences to you and his family.
I am so very sorry to hear this. Prayers are being offered for his family and friends. Prayers for you Ross at this very sad time. God Bless.
Ross, I am very sorry to hear of TBones passing, my condolences go out to you and his family.

Maybe he's been fishing today. No oxygen tank, just a big boat and sunshine.
