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Supporting Member
Nov 13, 2011
San Francisco, CA
Today was a great day. I saw the surgeon for my followup. Results - everything's great. Permission to drive
Then, saw my cardiologist who has just been named Director of Heart Failure at the hospital. Results - everything's great. Released to full-time work.
Then we talked about rehab. She said that quite honestly I was already doing everything I should and I'd probably find it boring. But, we agreed that I'm still going to try it at least for a few visits.

YAY!!! Cabin fever is over!
Congrats! When I saw the topic I knew there was something good waiting inside. Hope everything continues forward with recovery. Be careful driving! Just because you may be a good driver, doesn't mean that others are.
Congratulations!!!! Now get out there and live life to the fullest!
That's great dcc617! I'm really happy that you can get back to a more normal life. Enjoy it to he fullest!

WoooooHoooo. Congratulations on your parole from the cabin. Enjoy your freedom. Don't work too hard and as a SoCal driver, I commend you for your ability to navigate Bay Area traffic...Holy cow:eek2:
That's great news. My surgeon thought I would be bored with cardiac rehab, but my cardiologist thought it was a great idea. I just completed my 5th session today and I think it has done me a worls of good. It is reassuring to know that you are being monitored during exercise. I have been following your progress and I am happy to see you are doing so well. We were originally scheduled to have surgery the same day until yours was post poned. My surgery was Jan 19th at UCSF. Yay to independence.
Damn awesome news. I love to read threads with positive news in it. I take it you are 4-5 weeks after surgery now. Cardiac Rehab for a few might be cool to do, just to make sure your exercise routine is on a good start.
Congratulations! My cardiologist was also on the fence about rehab because he thought I would find it boring and the pace too slow. As it turned out, I loved it. It was a good pace to get back into running shape, but more importantly, they noticed that I was going into heart block, which I never would have known on my own. Unless you have a compelling reason, I highly recommend that everyone go through the 6-8 week rehab program regardless of their age or athletic condition.
Great job! Now as for the rehab, I'm another one who believes that it was worth every minute spent. I was in pretty good shape going into surgery, so my cardio and I discussed rehab from that perspective. His take was that the rehab tech staff would adjust the routine to tax my cardio system the right amount, accounting your condition and capabilities at the start. He felt that they would adjust my workout to build on the condition I would bring to the program. As it turned out, I had a pretty rough first few months and couldn't start rehab until nearly 3 months out. I was still doing better than most of my classmates, but the rehab helped me to get back to a more normal level (for me) of exercise tolerance. In addition to that, I enjoyed the group I "trained" with. Of course, rehab also gave me a chance to enforce my "light duty" work schedule for the first few months back at full-time work, too. I had to leave a bit early to get to the class, and no "just a few minutes" tasks as I prepared to leave.