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Gail in Ca

Well-known member
Jun 26, 2001
Los Angeles, CA
I found my paperwork on my surgery 5 years ago.(Feb.20)
Thought I would pass on some info about the surgery. (new aortic valve inside graft, mitral repair, heavy scarring)
Bypass time:332 minutes
Clamp time:259 minutes
Lowest temp achieved:27.2C.
Total heparin dose:55,000units
Kind of amazing we go through this and go back to normal, isn't it?
I remember reading my report and being in awe of what my body went through while I was busy 'sleeping' . :) You certainly beat me on the bypass and clamp time by a 200 minutes!
Wow, Dr. Miller really earned his fee that day. :wink2: That is a lot to go through - I'm glad it all turned out well in the end!
Your message intrigued me to look up my operation notes - it tells the whole procedure and how it was done in quite a lot of detail, how my heart was stopped using "cold ante grade blood based cardioplegic solution with topical cooling", and later that my heart was rewarmed and that they did "de-airing" whatever that is…."the procedure was repeated several times" , it says "the heart was in intermittent sinus rhythm" and then "the heart was paced in sinus rhythm" so maybe it didn't get there first. "Heparin reversed with protamine and the heart was decannulated, haemostasis was achieved and the chest closed over two chest drains." My cross clamp time was 37 minutes and bypass time 48 minutes.